2 boys were buried as kings three thousand years ago

Compared to 8 others buried in graves, two Russian boys received special attention.

Picture 1 of 2 boys were buried as kings three thousand years ago
2 remains of Russian boys more than 30,000 years ago.

Recently, the burial burial site of the bodies of two 10- and 12-year-old children in Russia has prevented scientists from surprises. The tomb was built 34,000 years ago outside the Russian city of Vladimir.

Your body is buried like a king. 2 babies died in a long coffin, their heads bunched together, containing more than one thousand small ivory seeds, 300 fox teeth and at least 20 kinds of bracelets.

Picture 2 of 2 boys were buried as kings three thousand years ago
Small ivory objects buried inside.

In addition, bones of elephants, deer and even people are placed in the chest of two boys. The Daily Mail said two children died of severe illness. After their death, they were cared for and preserved like a king.

The image of this grave is compared to the tomb of a man who died at another 40 years of age at the same time. The tomb of the man is very simple and somewhat meditative.

Picture 3 of 2 boys were buried as kings three thousand years ago
The boy was buried as a king.

Erik Trinkaus, author of the study, said: 'From the burial point of view, burial of adults is very different from children' . The time of burying two babies was an ice age, but now the weather was warmer, so digging was easy.

In addition to the bodies of two children found, scientists also found eight other bodies. Even so, the bodies of the two children are more noticeable because of what is buried inside. Experts speculate that the 12-year-old suffered much pain before dying of illness. They think the baby may be seriously ill and only eat soft food because its teeth are hardly used.