Experiments creating

Only with sand, white sugar and baking soda - you can create "monsters" from hell.

Experiment creates hell monsters

If you are a fan of horror movies, you must be familiar with the scene of horrible snakes rising from the ground, killing dozens of people at once?

In fact, we can rebuild these "snake monsters" with some chemical reactions, such as burning thiocyanate mercury .

However, today we will come up with another reaction to create "hell monsters" but only use ingredients that are very safe and easy to find at home.

First, prepare ingredients including sugar, sand, baking soda, gasoline for lighters and lighters.

Picture 1 of Experiments creating

Next, mix baking soda with sugar at a ratio of 1: 4 (eg 10 grams of baking soda with 40 grams of sugar)

Picture 2 of Experiments creating

Then, wet the sand bowl with lighted gasoline, so that the sand surface changes color evenly.

Picture 3 of Experiments creating

And the last step, pour the sugar - baking soda mixture in the center of the sand bowl and light it.

Picture 4 of Experiments creating

And this is the result:

Picture 5 of Experiments creating
In the first 10 seconds .

Picture 6 of Experiments creating
And after 1 minute .

See the video below to see more clearly how the reaction process works:

Why is that?

Gasoline used in zippo lighters when burning does not create a temperature so high that sand will not melt. Meanwhile, sugar and baking soda are burnt quite easily.

When burned, sugar and baking soda give rise to steam and carbon dioxide, which in particular baking soda acts as a catalyst to create large amounts of CO 2 .

  1. Video: Make your own unique scientific experiments
  2. 10 interesting experiments with fire

It is these gases that push the remnant of the combustion process upwards, forming the image of the "hell snake" rising. This solid column will continue to grow, until one of the ingredients - a flame-retardant sugar or gasoline mixture - burns out.

You can use alcohol or other flammable liquids to perform this test at home. However, to minimize the risk, you should only use a lighted lighter, and absolutely do not pour gasoline or alcohol directly into "snake" .