The most gruesome human experiments in history

Disgraceful, non-human experiments anyone will feel so indignant.

Experiments were originally carried out for the sake of science, for the benefit of mankind, so that human life improved. However, that is not the goal of the experiments below.

1. 'Castration people' to assess stamina

Picture 1 of The most gruesome human experiments in history
Boss Himmler, who directs brutal experimental programs.

About 400 macabre experiments are really horrifying obsessions with thousands of victims.

"Father" of field experiments is Field Marshal Himmler, commander of the Schutzstaffel force - the Nazi's most cruel armed organization. And the main victims are prisoners of all ages, except for one.

Elderly, young, girls, boys, despite being healthy, are being squeezed into the plague of the plague with increasing doses; then the body must be exposed to cold snow for freezing; Many men were "castrated" mercilessly or shot with poison .

Aim these monstrous experiments just to assess the stamina of the human body!

2. Live surgeries

Picture 2 of The most gruesome human experiments in history
The "scientists" here perform live surgeries on prisoners without using anesthesia.

The idea of ​​this crazy experiment comes from Unit 731, which is the secret force for the study of biological and chemical warfare, and is also the most notorious unit of war crimes ever done by Japanese fascist.

Victims are none other than ill-fated prisoners. The "scientists" here conduct live surgeries on those prisoners without anesthesia to study the disease.

They cut open the middle part of the prisoners, then implanted Rickettsial fever and cholera. The survivors will be hanged to death.

3. Sterilization experiments

Picture 3 of The most gruesome human experiments in history
The purpose of this experiment is to avoid bad gene sources that are inherited through future generations.

The crazy experiment contrary to this natural law was passed by the Nazi Progeny Defective Law of the 14th of March, 1933, with the aim of avoiding bad genetic resources being passed down through the following generations.

And 300,000 people in concentration camps then became reluctant experiments. They were brought into the room and had to fill out an application form with the aim of deceiving them.

Sterilization methods include: X-ray surgery, medicine or iodine and silver nitrate injections into the body. This leaves serious side effects such as vaginal bleeding, severe abdominal pain or cervical cancer.

Later, the doctors here preferred to use radioactive sterilization. They make the room contaminated with radiation and make the prisoners completely sterilized. Some suffer severe radiation burns.

4. Experiments on twins

Picture 4 of The most gruesome human experiments in history
The purpose of this experiment is to find similarities and differences in the genes of twins.

The "death" doctor of Auschwitz concentration camp Joseph Mengele is the "father" of this experiment with the aim of finding similarities and differences in the genes of the twins.

About 1,500 twins were brought in to serve the experiment. They were all locked up in barracks during the process.

The doctors here performed extremely frightening methods: injecting the dye into the eyes of the twins to monitor the discoloration of the eye that was not going on, blood transfusion between the brothers of a twin to check blood compatible.

And more gruesome is to stitch twins together to create conjoined twins. In the end, only about 200 couples survived.

5. Agent Orange

From 1965 - 1966, dermatologist Albert Kligman, USA tested Agent Orange, a substance used to kill grass, on prisoners at Holmesburg Prison. He tested a drug that was 468 times larger than the level of human tolerance. The victims then suffered from prolonged pain, ulcers throughout the body, including the enclosed area.

Not only stop at the original victims, the family has a father or mother infected with Agent Orange born children with many birth defects.

Picture 5 of The most gruesome human experiments in history
Children with birth defects due to the effects of Agent Orange.(Photo: HC).

6. Researching Wendell Johnson's "monsters"

This is a trial involving children in an Iowa orphanage, USA. In 1939, lecturer Wendell Johnson and her student, Mary Tudor, experimented with 22 orphaned children.

The method is done in the form of face-to-face interviews with the aim of finding a link between psychological trauma and the formation of brain defects, leading to a lack of speech.

In the first group, Wendell practiced speaking and encouraging children. The second group, he turned to the criticism, cursing and scorning attitude with the stammering babies. These children grow up in fear, forming speech and pronunciation defects. From children who are normally developed, experiments cause disability for the rest of their lives.

Test results of this failure were hidden until 2001, a San Jose Mercury-News reporter investigated the incident and exposed the truth to the public.

7. Shiro Ishii death unit 731

From 1930 - 1940, the Japanese army carried out biological warfare and medical testing for humans. The number of deaths of these experiments has not been statistically accurate. According to the New York Times report, 200,000 people may have died.

Prisoners are infected with dangerous diseases such as plague, cholera, coal and sexually transmitted diseases. They march in freezing weather and then experiment to determine the best treatments for frostbite.

The former members of the unit said prisoners were injected with toxic gas, placed in the pressure chamber until their eyes burst out. Many transplant surgeries, amputation of body parts are done regularly without anesthesia.

At the end of the war, Shiro Ishii and the staff were not responsible for the terrible crimes they caused.

8. Nazi medicine experiment

Picture 6 of The most gruesome human experiments in history
Stitches on the victims after being removed from the bone.

In World War 2, Nazi Germany carried out frozen experiments on human bodies to simulate the conditions facing the German army. They released healthy Russian or Jewish soldiers into a bucket of cold water. Most victims lose consciousness and die when their body temperature is 25 degrees C or lower. For survivors, doctors continue to pour boiling water into the bladder, intestines and stomach.

To study the body's regeneration process, doctors choose healthy people and then remove the shoulder, arm, hip, and the other's body. Some doctors are responsible for these cruel crimes then are tried as war criminals.

9. Syphilis test in Tuskeegee, USA

The trial was carried out from 1932 - 1972 by the US Community Health Service. The goal is to monitor the consequences that syphilis leaves if left untreated. The victim was 622 young people from Tuskeegee, 431 of them had the disease before.

These people were deceived that the trial lasted 6 months, while actually being 40 years long. They get free care, life insurance and many other benefits when participating. After the number of people with syphilis increased, medical services provided them to stop.

In 1972, the test information was leaked, the US stopped but it was too late. One-third of men die from syphilis, 40 of them also have syphilis and 19 babies are born with congenital syphilis.