If you are a fan of home tests, this is an interesting test for you. All you need is a pool, a camera that can spin underwater or a drone and a bottle of liquid nitrogen.

Fedor D. (interviewee wanted to remain anonymous), a young man living in Moscow told Sputnik about participating in a series of scientific experiments for the International Space

Experiments were originally carried out for the sake of science, for the benefit of mankind, so that human life improved. However, that is not the goal of the experiments below.

It seems that science is dry and confusing things, but if you understand the basic theory, you can completely make interesting experiments at home.

Last November, the science teacher and YouTuber Jacob Strickling appeared on the television show

After plugging in an iceberg, the coin suddenly vibrated violently. Why?

Get lost in the magical magic world and refer to a few scientific experiments that have been done hundreds of years ago.

Inspired by science, the youth of the past performed creative experiments that were very creative but equally dangerous ...

The director of the Russian Federal Space Agency yesterday announced that the country will launch unmanned spacecraft on Mars's Phobos satellite next year.

The Space Flight Management Center (MCC) announced on October 30 that three astronauts returned safely to Earth after completing 40 scientific experiments lasting 115 days on the