Video: Make your own unique scientific experiments

Without the need for complicated scientific tools, you can completely experiment with very interesting but simple at home with common objects.

The first experiment will help you create "jump" eggs. First of all, you need to have 2 eggs including 1 raw and 1 boiled, put in 2 glass jars equally, then pour vinegar into each jar. Calcium carbonate in eggshells will react chemically with vinegar and after 48 hours the eggshell will be completely dissolved. Wash the eggs under the tap and release them at different heights. The raw egg will bounce on the table, while the boiled egg will only "jump" a little high.

You can apply this experiment to make real jumping balls in the second experiment.

The third experiment is to create a deep-fried soap "cake". All you need is a microwave oven and a soap cake. Put the soap in the microwave and cook at high temperature for 2 minutes. The soap cake will gradually expand like a bulging cake thanks to the effect of following Charles's law . Because soap contains gas molecules, when the temperature of the gas increases, its volume increases.

The fourth experiment explores water transport in a tree. You can change the color of lilies by pouring 5-6 drops of colored ink into a flowerpot. 1 hour later, the flower has a very unique blue ink.

The fifth experiment helps you get a lava eruption model at home. Pour the cooking oil into a glass jar, then add a little water, a few drops of food coloring and some medicine to treat the stomach, indigestion alka seltzer. As a result, carbon dioxide bubbles will float to the surface of the glass jar, forming a beautiful eruptive lava flow.

The experiment will eventually "visualize" the sound. The tool needed is a speaker, a stainless steel tray (can be a baking tray), corn starch and water. First mix 1 part corn starch with 1.5 - 2 parts water to form a paste (oobleck), then pour it into the stainless steel tray and place the tray on the speaker. When you turn on the speaker, you'll see the oobleck mix dancing to the beat of the music.