Giant python

With an approximate length of 15m, a body circumference of 85cm, a weight of 447kg, a lazy python at the Curugsewu zoo of Sumatra island (Indonesia) beat every record of python species that Guinness is recording.

Undeniably, the guy who holds the " longest python in the world " crown - caught on Sulawesi (Indonesia) in 1912 - is less than 10m long, and Burmese python in Illinois, USA with the title 'python python' Giant 'also only sagged 183 kg. Both lost to the unnamed python in Curugsewu.

An employee of the zoo named Rohmad said: "The python of Southeast Asia is considered the longest python in the reptile world, but its average size is only about 3-6 meters. That's why when this python first appeared in the middle of 2002 with a length of 19m, all Jambi villagers on Sumatra island were frightened by phen because they thought it was " python ".

Picture 1 of Giant python

A veteran python artist from east Java was immediately summoned. Alone alone, he had to rely on the help of 65 other beefy men to successfully trap the giant python. During that period of time, the elders and the locals together prayed non-stop for the god of pity .

" Terrible " pythons are then taken to Curugsewu zoo and quickly become ' stars '. Every day, up to 700 visitors come here to watch this unusual "horrible" dish.

Python skin meshes live mainly in the dense forests of Southeast Asia. They hunted with their teeth more than 100 sharp jaws, plugging their teeth into the victim then tightening until they stopped breathing. Every 35 days, the mesh layer changes 1 time, each time lasts 7-10 days.

Picture 2 of Giant python

Hai Minh