How is Elon Musk's rocket causing pollution?

Falcon Heavy carries on itself the beloved billionaire car of billionaire Elon Musk that was successfully launched. However, its outcome is still a question that many people care about.

successfully launched the strongest spacecraft in the history of the Falcon Heavy industry. Milestones marked a new development of conquering space. The most special thing is that it can carry the same amount of cargo as a two-tier bus out of Earth.

Falcon Heavy armed with three missiles capable of reusing and launching a spacecraft into space. But it also has the wrong side.

Space revolution is approaching

On the positive side, Falcon Heavy is able to put 68 tons of equipment into orbit near Earth. The most recent competitors are Delta IV Heavy with a tonnage equivalent to 29 tons. Therefore, Falcon Heavy represents a major step forward in providing larger satellites or manned missions to explore the solar system.

For the purpose of exploring and bringing people to the moon or Mars, this is a welcome and necessary thing.

Picture 1 of How is Elon Musk's rocket causing pollution?
Elon Musk has yet to come up with a way to solve his Tesla Roadster.

Elon Musk has chosen his car to perform the test. On the car was the Starman effigy sitting on a chair and many cameras around.

The second advantage is that Falcon Heavy can reuse its missiles. This overcomes the situation that previous missiles hovered in the air or fell somewhere on the sea.

In addition, re-use also reduces costs so that scientists can test more times. Specifically, Falcon Heavy costs only $ 1,300 / kg, while the shuttle takes $ 60,000 / kg.

Environmental impact

With 95% of the rocket's weight being fuel, the problem of metal saving to make missiles is no longer important. The concern here lies in emissions. Falcon Heavy's current fuel is RP-1 (refined petroleum) and liquid oxygen, which produces a lot of carbon dioxide (CO2) when it burns.

The amount of fuel contained in the three Falcon Heavy missiles is 440 tons, of which 34% is carbon. If SpaceX's twice-weekly launch plan is successful, Earth will lose 4,000 tons of carbon per year. This will quickly become a major environmental issue that needs attention.

Space hazard

Bringing a car suspended in space is really a big problem. Elon Musk intends to direct it to Mars. But the outcome of the car has not been mentioned by the CEO. Handling consequences is something to think about in modern space.

In case the car collides with the satellites or the moon, an explosion will occur. In addition, it can directly affect the trajectory of things flying in space. Any part of the car can pollute a planet.

The matter, space fragments are becoming one of the big problems that humanity is facing. There have been more than 150 million matter in the space that scientists are having to track the trajectory to compete with the satellites or spacecraft.

Picture 2 of How is Elon Musk's rocket causing pollution?
Japanese start-up advertising project also caused many people to worry about space pollution.

A few months ago, a Japanese start-up called for $ 90 million for a space advertising project. Immediately it received a wave of scientific protest about the state of cosmic garbage.

According to Joanne Irene Gabrynowicz, professor of space law at the University of Mississippi, editor-in-chief of Space Law magazine, space waste can increase light pollution for the night sky, hindering astronomical observations. In space, interfering with navigation satellites use star monitors and sun sensors to calibrate their measurements.

According to FAA, defining matter that interferes with space is anything " capable of being recognized by humans on the earth's surface without the aid of telescopes or other technological devices". .