Life may start on Venus

A new theory states that if conditions change only slightly, lush life can exist on Venus, thereby causing the Earth to become a dead planet.

Researchers believe that the change in small evolution can change the fate of both Earth and Venus. This is the theory of Rice University scientists published in Astrobiology magazine this month. The above point of view could make searching for aliens more effective and rewrite the theories of "Goldilocks region".

Picture 1 of Life may start on Venus
According to the theory of Rice University scientists, small changes in evolution can change the fate of both Earth and Venus.

Scientist Adrian Lenardic said today that researchers only observe life from our own solar system. That is too limited.

Lenardic and colleagues suggest that the habitable planets may be outside the Goldilocks region in the solar system. This means that planets farther away or closer to the sun than the Earth to the sun can still gather the necessary conditions for life.

For a long time, the question is whether there is any place to form the solar system like our world. But now, we can observe the solar system and other planets around other stars, so we ask that question as a scientific question.

If we find a planet (in another solar system) where the planet similar to Venus actually shows signs of life, we will know what we see in the Solar system is not universal. for the whole universe.

Picture 2 of Life may start on Venus
According to the new theory, researchers determined that life on Earth does not necessarily need to be based on the concept of the Goldilocks region.

According to the idea of ​​expanding the concept of living areas, researchers determined that life on Earth does not necessarily need to be based on the concept of the Goldilocks region. Broadly speaking, a small variation can change the fate of Venus, the Earth's nearest neighbor, to prevent it from becoming a burning desert with a toxic atmosphere for terrestrial animals like The current. In other words, the view that Venus is located in an overheating area, too close to the Sun, cannot have life yet.

Lenardic said: "On the road to Earth's life, at its early age, about 2-3 billion years ago, it was possible that the green planet was like an alien planet for us now. Observing other planets we need to eliminate the view that we must find planets like Earth today to be the planet of life. "

This scientist thinks that we should not limit the imagination because it leads to a hypothesis that can replace the old hypotheses we used to believe.

Goldilocks (Goldilocks zone) or (Habitable zone - HZ) area has long been defined as a living area. This is an area of ​​space around a star which has atmospheric pressure just enough, not too hot, not too cold with the right conditions to be able to create liquid water on the surface, airy and Life can grow.