JAXA revealed the reason that the Akatsuki probe did not enter Venus's orbit was the pressure of the ship's fuel chamber abruptly reduced.

Scientists successfully deciphered the secret of the SO2 gas layer on Venus's upper atmosphere through analyzing the data collected.

If you leave the house and look up at the sky before sunrise in the next two weeks, you can see a strange object (UFO) emitting a silvery white light.

For the first time scientists have discovered clear signs of recent lava flows on Venus's surface.

The international astronomers were confused when they saw a huge glow in Venus's clouds.

Desire to communicate with life on other planets longer than the fondness of UFOs and hope for SETI.

In the journey to conquer the vast universe, people have discovered so many new things, but still, there are countless unknowns to date.

One thing everyone knows is that wind is fast and strong on Venus. Currently, the ESA Venus Express probe for the first time builds a three-dimensional image of the wind for an

Local residents in the United Kingdom are fluttering before the early morning image, next to the Moon is a mysterious glowing planet.

As informed, in the early morning of November 12 and 13, people around the world observed that Jupiter and Venus were very close together in the sky.