Moon land is dangerous to mammalian cells

In addition to cosmic radiation, Moon miners will also be exposed to the danger of lunar soil and alter cell DNA.

According to research results published in GeoHealth magazine, scientists at Stony Brook Medical University (USA) have come to the conclusion that people who live long on the Moon will be in danger by the Moon land. .

Picture 1 of Moon land is dangerous to mammalian cells
Moon dust and soil can kill mammalian cells - (Photo: Hightech).

In the framework of this study, scientists mixed the cells of mice and humans with artificial Moon. They found that the cells died quite quickly or the cells' DNA changed a lot. According to biologists, being able to react strongly to living cells , oxidize them.

Therefore, biologists will continue to study the effect of Moon soil on living organisms and in subsequent experiments scientists need to find out if their assumptions are confirmed for with real Moon type or not. In addition, they still do not know how the cells in the living body, not separate from the body, will react to the Lunar soil.

Scientists have taken into account the effect of Moon dust on the body as soon as astronauts complain about their health - they cough and sneeze due to the fine particles of regolith from the surface of the Moon. traveling clothes. In addition, these data will be very useful for.