Piece of comet helps discover Earth origin

The London Museum of Natural Sciences has hunted a piece of Ivuna Comet from an American collector. Scientists consider it a very unique artifact because it can be the key to opening up the secret of the origin of the solar system and the emergence of life on Earth.

This comet piece weighs only 705 grams, found in 1938 in Tanzania. Later, it was divided into a few smaller, one-piece pieces at the National Museum of Tanzania, while others were sold to private collectors.

Picture 1 of Piece of comet helps discover Earth origin
A piece of comet Ivuna.

The uniqueness of the Ivuna comet is that it consists of substances that make up the solar system planets 4.5 billion years ago. Of the 35,000 pieces of comet found today, only 9 pieces have such chemical composition. British Museum officials donated NASA agencies in Houston (USA) a tiny part of the comet, weighing 20 grams, but then it was divided into two equal parts for another purpose. (!). Finally only 200 milligrams left from a piece to be used for research, it is enough to see how precious this ' guest from the universe ' is.

According to Dr. Caroline Smith, who works at the British Museum of Natural Studies, the reason why this piece of stone from this comet is paid special attention is the other 9 pieces because it falls to Earth not long ago, not yet suffering from natural factors like rain, its chemical composition has changed.

When studying this celestial body, it is possible that geologists will be able to answer the question of how the Earth was formed, how life appeared on Earth.

We need to remember that ' guests from the universe ' is not the first time to help us shed light on the mysteries of the distant past. Only recently have scientists finished analyzing the composition of this comet, which, in a theory, has made all dinosaurs extinct. The comet fragment lies in the family of Baptistin objects of different sizes in the perimeter of the space between Mars and Jupiter.

Abandoning that space to play his destructive role, this killer body flew towards Earth 165 million years ago. Attracted by the gravitational force, it collided directly with two bodies located in the asteroid belt. The result is a chain reaction that happens: celestial bodies clash with each other in a chaotic way, one of them is bounced off, flying at great speed toward Earth.

We find that if a celestial body does not destroy our life on our planet, it will have the opposite effect, which can create conditions for life to arise. In 1969 in Australia, a celestial body of Marchinson's was discovered, and some of its DNA was found in its composition, the most important molecules responsible for heredity in their bodies. me. It is not excluded that similar complex substances are brought from the universe to Earth.