Reveal the secret of a giant heart shape on Pluto

Scientists have recently revealed more information about the giant heart on Pluto that caused fever in 2015.

According to RT, a new study is published in the journal Nature that reveals the secret to the Pluto's Planum's giant surface.

Picture 1 of Reveal the secret of a giant heart shape on Pluto
The giant white heart shape is due to the large amount of nitrogen ice created.

Heart-shaped on the surface of Pluto is not merely ice but a glacier that contains a lot of nitrogen, plus methane and CO.

University scientists Pierre et Marie Curie, France, have gathered the information recorded by New Horizons spacecraft and the figure in the past 50,000 years to model the environmental development on Pluto.

Tanguy Bertrand, the head of the study, said: "The surface of Pluto is like a cocktail of ice that is not on Earth. It is a mixture of nitrogen, methane and CO. a model of Pluto's surface to understand more about condensation into ice. "

The study showed that under the ice mask is the deep pool about 4km. It acts as a cold trap to absorb nitrogen and CO. Tanguy Bertrand said: "We have discovered that the giant white heart shape is due to the large amount of nitrogen ice created ."

At the deep pit surface, the air pressure is higher, the freezing temperature is higher than the inside. Therefore, nitrogen quickly freezes, distinguishing it from the darker areas.