Saturn: Belt F is within a devil's spiral

Saturn's arc curves make the sixth planet in this solar system more attractive and more complex.

Picture 1 of Saturn: Belt F is within a devil's spiral These curves cover the area equivalent to the distance from the Earth to the Moon. Since its discovery in 1980, the F belt, considered the most mysterious, has become the target of a lot of research and discovery. In it, the latest study was jointly conducted by French and American scientists and published in the journal Science recently named: Belt F is within the devil spiral.

The F belt is made up of a glowing center curve (called the center) and from many concentric circles, called small fibers . At first people thought these fibers were separate. But in reality they are interconnected and form a spiral, they curl at least 3 turns. This spiral is the result of the connection between a Saturn satellite and the center of the curve F.

Scientists cannot determine which satellites make the connection. According to French scientists, the satellite has a very small size and is still forming, it is gradually attached to the curve F. The Cassini shuttle discovers a very small satellite, called S6, orbiting the curve. F. And scientists think that may be the source of the spiral. However, this needs to be further defined.

Saturn is still moving: F curve may be lost someday. It is not an eternal belt. The spiral will also disappear. And the other spiral is attractive to other scientists to explore, discover .