Saturn has a newborn moon

Astronomers believe that the Cassini cruise ship witnessed the birth of a baby moon at the belt of Saturn.

Picture 1 of Saturn has a newborn moon
The bright little dot in the picture is said to be the newborn moon - (Photo: NASA)

Named Peggy , the young moon lies on the outer edge of the Saturnian belt , the farthest side of the planet's large belt.

It was found about a year ago, thanks to the work of Professor Carl Murray working at Queen Mary University (UK) and was named after his mother-in-law.

In an accidental discovery, Professor Murray noted a perturbation in belt A, with an arc 20% brighter than the surrounding, according to san Icarus.

This arc is 1,200 km long and 10 km wide, created by the gravitational effect of the new moon.

At the present time, scientists estimate Peggy's diameter could be about 0.8 km, and its appearance could help astronomers understand how imaginary the moon's icy moons are. Earth.