Saturn changes color seasonally

According to NASA's Cassini explorer, blue combined with golden brown on Saturn continuously changes color in season.

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When the Cassini explorer ship flew around Saturn for the first time seven years ago, scientists discovered blue that covered the planet's northern hemisphere. Since then, Saturn has undergone seasonal color changes. Currently, the northern region of the planet is in the summer, while in the south there is preparation for winter.

Picture 1 of Saturn changes color seasonally

The seasonal change means that ultraviolet radiation is active in the northern region, creating a pale yellow mist covering this area. In contrast, in the southern hemisphere, the radiation activity gradually decreased, causing the fog layers to gradually disappear. In addition, the presence of the belt layer increases the effect of color impact on the southern region of Saturn.

According to the research team, the image is sent back to Earth from the explorer Cassini, when the mist shrouded down and the more luminous atmosphere caused Saturn to turn light green.

This is an opportunity for sunlight to flow to this planet through light molecules that make the sky greener like on Earth. The presence of methane is mainly absorbed in the red of the spectrum that causes Saturn to turn into a characteristic blue color.

Although Saturn has four seasons similar to Earth, actually one year on Saturn is 29.5 times longer than Earth. That means that until May 2017, winter on the southern hemisphere's southern region appears.

The point worth mentioning is that Titan - Saturn's largest moon is located right at the Cassini explorer center. The width of Titan moon reaches 5,150km and is covered with a mist rich in hydrocarbon gas. In addition, Titan is also the only moon in the solar system that has a cloudy atmosphere.