The last photos of Cassini in the Saturn mission

Cassini sent back to Earth the final images of Saturn before committing suicide this afternoon.

Picture 1 of The last photos of Cassini in the Saturn mission
Cassini captured the image of Saturn and the rings at the last dive into the planet's atmosphere.

Picture 2 of The last photos of Cassini in the Saturn mission
One of the most up-close and detailed images of the Saturn rings that Cassini captured in the last moment of his mission.

Picture 3 of The last photos of Cassini in the Saturn mission
The image is clear about the moon Enceladus, where alien life may exist, under Saturn's halo.

Picture 4 of The last photos of Cassini in the Saturn mission
A Saturn corner and space-spaced belts were captured by Cassini.

Picture 5 of The last photos of Cassini in the Saturn mission
Cassini sent a close-up photo of Saturn just a few hours before committing suicide.

Picture 6 of The last photos of Cassini in the Saturn mission
The image of Saturn and the belts were taken from another angle by Cassini.

Picture 7 of The last photos of Cassini in the Saturn mission
The "goodbye" photograph of Cassini captures Saturn's largest Titan, the moon, which has a lake of liquid hydrocarbons and an atmosphere twice as massive as the Earth.

Picture 8 of The last photos of Cassini in the Saturn mission
A close-up image of Titan's surface with dark stains is a liquid hydrocarbon lake.