Video: NASA spacecraft turns into suicide fireball on Saturn

NASA's Cassini spacecraft is in the process of carrying out its final mission to break down and break down in Saturn's atmosphere today.

Picture 1 of Video: NASA spacecraft turns into suicide fireball on Saturn
After entering the thick atmosphere of Saturn, Cassini will take 5-6 minutes to break and melt.

The probe accelerated as it flew around the moon Titan on September 11 to lower the ship's orbit enough to ensure it crashed into Saturn's atmosphere on September 15.

The main goal of the mission is to ensure Cassini does not infect bacteria on Earth for Titan and Enceladus. Both moons are believed to support life.

After entering the thick atmosphere of Saturn, Cassini will take 5-6 minutes to break and melt. In this last dive, the ship will transmit data to Earth in real time for researchers to analyze