Reindeer changes the seasonal eye color

The eyes of the Arctic reindeer species change seasonally to adapt to the changing light of the year.

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Like other mammals, reindeer living in the Arctic also has a layer of tapetum lucidum cells (TL ) in the back of the retina, reflecting different wavelengths of light by changing color. .
When exposed to sunlight in the summer, the cell layer of tapetum lucidum of reindeer turns yellow, reflecting the important light back through the retina. In winter, the cell layer turns dark blue, limiting the amount of light reflected into the eye.

Picture 1 of Reindeer changes the seasonal eye color
The reindeer's eye color change helps them adapt to their living environment and detect enemies.(Photo:

The researchers say this change disperses light through the light receptor behind the eye, thereby increasing retinal sensitivity during the winter months. Changing the eye color also helps reindeer increase the ability to detect enemies.

The cause of the eye color change in reindeer is still unclear, although scientists say this may be the result of pressure changes in the eye. In the winter, the pressure increases, preventing fluid from the eyeball and compressing the cell layer of tapetum lucidum, narrowing the space between the collagen in the tissue and reflecting the short wavelengths of light with the typical green of winter North Pole.

"This is the first time the color change of the eye is seen in mammals. By changing the color of tapetum lucidum in the eyes, reindeer can be flexible when dealing with differences of levels. Nature World News quoted Glen Jeffery from the University of London's Institute of Ophthalmology as an advantage when it comes to seasons .

Previous research by Jeffery has shown that Arctic reindeer can see ultraviolet rays, help them find food and detect enemies.