Why is Santa's reindeer nose red?

Researchers from Norway and the Netherlands conducted research and discovered why the Santa Rudolph reindeer's nose was red. These findings were published in the British Medical Journal.

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Scientists had answers to questions about Rudolph's famous red nose.It is red because it contains a lot of red blood cells that protect it from freezing and regulate brain temperature. Thanks to that, Rudolph can deliver Christmas gifts to good kids around the world.

Picture 1 of Why is Santa's reindeer nose red?

Scientists claim that small blood cells - called nasal vessels - are important in providing oxygen, controlling inflammation and regulating temperature.

Under the nose microscope of five healthy volunteers, the scientists found that the circulating blood density was 15mm / mm 2 . When this technique was applied to two reindeer noses, the researchers found that the density of blood vessels was higher than 25%, containing a lot of red blood cells. They also found high density mucous glands scattered throughout the reindeer nose, helping to 'maintain an optimal nasal environment in changing weather conditions and extreme temperatures. These mucous glands also help transport liquids and act as a barrier. Infrared thermal images show that reindeer actually has a red nose.

These factors explain why the nose of the Rudolph reindeer that Santa used to pull sleds is red and can be adapted to extreme weather conditions.