Is Santa's reindeer red nose real?

The story of Santa's unusual red-nose reindeer Rudolph can be built on facts, according to a new study.

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Researchers in Sweden used thermal imaging cameras to learn about the heat flow from reindeer when they ate. They found that, while most of these animals' bodies were well protected by their fur, their noses would glow bright orange in the resulting pictures due to the large amount of heat emitted from them.

The phenomenon is due to reindeer having a high concentration of blood vessels in the nose and lips to keep them warm and increase their susceptibility when scouring in the snow to find food. Only in the nose position, the number of blood vessels of reindeer is 25% of the blood vessels of people.

Picture 1 of Is Santa's reindeer red nose real?
Thermal imaging results show that the reindeer's nose and eyes glow brighter than the rest of the body.(Photo: Telegraph)

According to Professor Ronald Kröger, a biologist from Lund University (Sweden), in some cases, this led to the reindeer's nose becoming flushed in cold weather.

Kröger explains further: "When reindeer searches for food in the snow, their noses are exposed to very low temperatures. They need to maintain sensitivity to know what they really are eating. They pump hot blood. The nose, which means the nose will be slightly red due to the large amount of blood rushing in. Thermal cameras show the heat coming from their bodies, in which the eyes and nose area are brighter and warmer than the rest of the body ".

Discovered above revealed, Santa's red-nosed reindeer can exist in real life. The story of Rudolph's reindeer with an unusual red nose stems from a 1939 book by Robert L May and is later portrayed in hundreds of stories, songs and movies about Santa and the sled. snow by his reindeer reindeer.

According to Robert L May's story, every year, until Christmas before Christmas, Santa will choose the eight best, brave and best reindeer reindeer in his Arctic village to pull the sled, along with He delivers gifts to babies all over the world.

One day, a small reindeer appeared named Rudolph. Although loved by his parents, everyone in the village and all the other reindeer teased Rudolph because he had a very big and red nose, different from the other reindeer. Rudolph also came to ask for a sleigh for Santa, but was initially rejected.

However, that night, only about an hour before departure, a storm came. The cold wind blew very hard, it was dark, dim with snow, making it difficult for Santa to depart for gifts. At this time, Santa suddenly remembered Rudolph with a bright red nose and personally invited him to lead the reindeer. That night, Rudolph led the convoy to pave the way for everyone with his bright red nose, over the snowstorm to take Santa to distribute Christmas gifts to all the good babies around the world. .

Santa gives Rudolph a medal of honor for his courage and everyone loves this reindeer more than before. Rudolph's name goes down to history as the youngest and most courageous reindeer of Santa's village.