Why does Santa choose car pull reindeer?

A study in early 2011 showed that the number of reindeer has decreased by nearly 60% in the past three decades due to climate change and disturbance of a man-made living environment.

Reindeer, also known as Caribou, is often adopted by humans to pull sleds. They live mainly in Scandinavia and Siberia, have smaller and shorter legs than the wild reindeer. Adult wild reindeer can be about 1 meter tall, average 170kg (male) and 90kg (female),

Reindeer travel about 5000km in a year, the longest traveling terrestrial mammal. Only after humpback whales, can swim 8000km on the beach to feed.

Picture 1 of Why does Santa choose car pull reindeer?

According to scientists, reindeer can run fast 48mph (80km an hour). Especially when pursued it will gallop very quickly.

They have excess hair, keep the body warm and the circulatory system keeps the cold blood in the limbs so that hot blood from the heart can feed important parts of the body.

The reindeer species is quite "quiet" . Male reindeer will make sounds during mating season (fall) and children often shout when they give birth in the summer. While the male is equipped with a large airbag in the neck that allows it to make a hoarse cry, to attract a mate and stop the opponent, the female has an airbag that allows her to call her cubs.

The male reindeer will drop the horn at the end of the mating season (early December). But the children kept their thin horns during the winter. That explains why Santa chose the car-pull reindeer. In addition, during the breeding season the males will lose a lot of fat. On the contrary, females will have about 50% body fat, which will help it withstand extremely cold temperatures, even -43 degrees C.