Santa Claus, Old Snowman, Saint Nicholas or Santa Claus are the way to call a person - the soul of Christmas. Santa's image is taken from a true character in history.

Did you know that during Christmas, Santa is not the only one appearing?

We think we are giving children a beautiful childhood, but the truth is not like that.

A village in the Czech Republic has a custom to welcome Christmas by wearing devilish costumes to tease people.

Christmas tree has self ever? When do people start decorating Christmas trees, and when should they be removed? These are things that not everyone knows.

Christmas this year, instead of telling Santa's story, let's learn about the most bizarre and weird customs in the world.

Each Santa Claus chooses a different way to bring gifts to the children ...

A silver-haired old man, with a generous, compassionate heart, through the windows could recognize a good or disobedient child, Santa Claus, aka Santa, a human Things have become

Every year, until Christmas, children all over the world will be turned to receive the gifts they desire from Santa.

A study in early 2011 showed that the number of reindeer has decreased by nearly 60% in the past three decades due to climate change and disturbance of a man-made living