List of the most bizarre Christmas customs in the world

Christmas this year, instead of telling Santa's story, let's learn about the most bizarre and weird customs in the world. From frying a caterpillar to eating the rotting bird.

1. South Africa: South African Christmas dishes are not for the faint of heart. On this day, the locals often fry caterpillars to eat.

2. Australia: Australia's children are afraid of the Krampus soul, a Christmas demon that adults say, it will appear and hit children damaged by branches.

3. Norway: No one will sweep the house the night before Christmas. All brooms are hidden, watch out for witches and evil spirits steal it

4. Japan: Advertising can create miracles. Thanks to an advertising campaign in 1974, many Japanese families now eat KFC on Christmas Day.

Picture 1 of List of the most bizarre Christmas customs in the world
The creepy Krampus in the Christmas story in Australia.

5. Venezuela: Cadacas city residents have developed a new tradition: Attending Misa at the Church with ice skates.

6. Germany: The Germans hide a salt cucumber in the pine tree. The child who found it first will receive a small gift.

7. Catalonia: Families in Catalonia have "Tio de Nadal" (English name is pooping log). This is a piece of wood, painted face and blanket. On the eve of Christmas, the log is placed half in the fireplace and the members will hit it with a stick.

Picture 2 of List of the most bizarre Christmas customs in the world
These pooping log logs will be "hit" on the eve of Christmas.

8. Portugal: Consoda is a Christmas morning party in Portugal. This is when people gather to remember the dead.

9. Ukraine: People here decorate pine trees with spiders and spider webs.

10. Czech Republic: At Christmas, unmarried women in the Czech Republic stand in front of the house and throw their shoes over their shoulders. If when falling, the shoe tip returned to the door, they would marry in the new year.

11. Greenland: Greenland has some very weird Christmas dishes like Mattak or Kiviak. Mattak is a whale skin with a fat strip inside or Kiviak is a dish made of the body of a seabird wrapped in seal skin and for complete decomposition within 7 months.

Picture 3 of List of the most bizarre Christmas customs in the world
Dare you eat Greenland's Kiviak?

12. Estonia: On the eve of Christmas, everyone in the family in Estonia often comes together.

13. Sweden: Since 1966, the government has set up a Yule goat with straw. But every year, vandals always succeed in burning it.

14. Ethiopia: Ethiopians celebrate Christmas on January 7. Everyone wears white clothes and men play ganna, a game with wooden balls and sticks.

15. New Zealand: Instead of using pine trees, New Zealanders use Pohotukawa trees to decorate on Christmas day.

16. Guatemala: The people of this country sweep away their houses on Christmas day. Then the neighbors create piles of rubbish when they come to the house by placing a straw mannequin and burning it.

17. Bavaria: In Bavaria, Christmas is quite welcome . In traditional shorts, mountain people shoot up mortars in the sky.

18. Slovakia: In Slovakia, the biggest voice in the house will throw a spoon of loksa cake on the ceiling. The longer the cake clings to the ceiling, the more fortunate the family will be.

19. Iceland: Icelanders believe that the Yule cat is lurking on the hills. Those who don't receive new clothes the night before Christmas will be torn by this ferocious monster.

Picture 4 of List of the most bizarre Christmas customs in the world
The Yule wildcat is always lurking somewhere in the dark, ready to attack people who do not have new clothes.

20. Brother: Santa often presents gifts for children in England. But naughty kids might get a lump of coal the next morning.

21. South Africa: South African children are told the story of Danny, a boy who has left her words to eat cookies for Santa. Because of this, the boy's grandmother . killed him and the ghost of the boy haunting the houses on Christmas day.