Find the river on Saturn's moon

Titan, a Saturn moon satellite, has ravines hundreds of meters deep with rivers with flowing water signaling the possibility of life. This is a new report from NASA.

Many ravines on Titan, the depth of more than 600m, contains liquid hydrocarbon compounds , compounds found in fossil fuels such as oil or natural gas. Hydrocarbons are a sign of the possibility that in the past there existed life on Titan, Saturn's largest satellite, because hydrocarbons are the product of the decomposition of organisms.

Picture 1 of Find the river on Saturn's moon
Titan is the only cosmic object in the solar system, extraterrestrial, with liquid flowing on the surface.

NASA researchers say that although the Earth and Titan environments are very different, there is a surprising resemblance between rivers on Earth and Titan's methane-filled ravines.

"The earth is warm and rocky with rivers full of water, while Titan is cold and icy with methane-filled rivers , " Cornell University researcher Alex Hayes, co-author of this scientific discovery. comment. "Our findings are really remarkable."

Hydrocarbon compounds have been discovered based on the images captured by the Cassini spacecraft during the 2013 round-trip Titan.

NASA said that the way the ravines formed on Titan were completely similar to the way the Great Rift (Grand Canyon) was formed on Earth, where the giant rocks eroded slowly by the Colorado River rising from the ground for several million years.

In addition to Earth, Titan is the only cosmic object in the Solar System to be found to have liquid flowing on the surface.