The truth is that the bath towel contains billions of bacteria you wash up on you every day

Do you know that your towels are horribly dirty?

The truth about the towel you use every day

There is a very . horrifying truth, that our towels are extremely dirty.

The moment you use the bath towel is also the time it becomes the residence of bacteria, fungi, dead skin, and many other types of bacteria and dirt that are available in the bathroom, including . water urination and stool.

Picture 1 of The truth is that the bath towel contains billions of bacteria you wash up on you every day

According to Philip Tierno, a bacteriologist and pathologist at the New York School of Medicine, most of these bacteria will not be harmful, because they come from our bodies. However, the horrific truth is that they will reproduce at dizzying speeds. Some statistics show that in the right conditions, a bacterium can multiply into 1 billion individuals within 10 hours.

Picture 2 of The truth is that the bath towel contains billions of bacteria you wash up on you every day
The bacteria grow in towels very quickly.

Meanwhile, towels used after re-use are converged places that are qualified to help all species grow : high humidity, warm temperature, oxygen, nutrition, and even natural pH balance. All these conditions come from the human body.

Experts say, even if you take a bath regularly, then do nothing all day, your body is always "dirty" . That's because our body replaces thousands of skin cells every day, forming dead skin, also called hate . This is an excellent source of nutrition for bacterial growth.

Picture 3 of The truth is that the bath towel contains billions of bacteria you wash up on you every day

So you can use the towel as many times as possible before the number of bacteria becomes so horrifying. Dr Tierno said: " If after each use you are absolutely dry, then the maximum is . 3 times ".

And that is only counted in case you dry a towel in a cool place. If you put a towel in a place with a high humidity like in your own bathroom, chances are high that after one use, the towel will "stink". According to Tierno: "If the towel smells good, there are bacteria growing and will need to be washed immediately ."

Picture 4 of The truth is that the bath towel contains billions of bacteria you wash up on you every day

But besides that, although most of these bacteria may not be harmful to you because your body is used to them, if you share towels, you may have to take up the bacteria that your body never had. approach - like golden staph (Staphylococcus aureus) - causes a decrease in our resistance.

After reading this article, maybe some of our "lazy" friends must be startled and give up the whole week's habit of washing towels once, right?