Two ways to escape drowning when you can't swim

When they feel out of control, victims are often panicked and struggling. But this makes you exhausted, muscles stiffen and sink deeper.

Picture 1 of Two ways to escape drowning when you can't swim
Loosen the body so that the water pushes up to the surface of the water, keeping the body parallel to the bottom of the water.

Remember that humans have a natural instinct to float on the water, provided you have to breathe a lot of breath into your lungs, and try to hold your breath for as long as possible, you will float. When breathing out, breathe lightly and slowly . Loosen the body so that the water pushes up to the surface of the water, keeping the body parallel to the bottom of the water.

Slightly tilt your head to the back so that the exposed ear will feel comfortable. If you tilt your head up, you will feel stiffness in your neck, nape and difficulty. Therefore the first position is very important, it also creates balance to help the feet float. Hold your chin upwards. With these poses will help you float better. In this way, you will become a lifeline for yourself, while waiting for rescue.

If you can't float, you can stand in place, sticking your head up .

Stand up straight, head on the water, move your arms and legs. Do not step on the treadmill or step around instinctively, causing you to lose a lot of energy. The best way is to rotate each leg in a different direction. This can help you stay in the country for hours waiting for rescue.

  1. The secret to drowning with just a pair of pants
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