Under these 5 vital skills, you may not be hungry, thirsty, cold and drowned!

Learning more new escape skills has never been excessive for each person. Since no one knows, when will the unforeseen situation happen.

Knowing these basic skills, you can completely cope in unforeseen situations.

1. Don't let yourself be thirsty

Picture 1 of Under these 5 vital skills, you may not be hungry, thirsty, cold and drowned!
The sunken point coincides with the mouth of the container containing clean water below.

People can tolerate hunger better than thirst. If there is a lack of clean water to drink, try the clean water filter method shown above.

Accordingly, dig a small soil pit, put a water container inside, inside the pit to clean clumps of grass. You get a clean sheet of plastic placed on the crater (use the soil to fix the plastic), then put a clean stone / gravel in the middle of the plastic sheet to create a hollow. Note, the sunken point coincides with the mouth of the container containing clean water below.

2. Don't let yourself be hungry

Picture 2 of Under these 5 vital skills, you may not be hungry, thirsty, cold and drowned!
Always remember to bring food with you.

In any situation, if traveling far away or traveling, you always remember to bring food with you. If you get lost, instead of devouring all the food at the same time, break down the portions corresponding to the meals of the day.

If the food is completely stocked, try to look around and look for edible food. To do this, you must know which edible fruit / tree / leaf, which is poisonous.

3. Don't let me be "swallowed up" by the night

Picture 3 of Under these 5 vital skills, you may not be hungry, thirsty, cold and drowned!

In case of lost, lost watch or mobile phone, to determine how long it will take to get dark, use the following simple method:

Find a well-ventilated place, pinch the 4 fingers in the horizontal direction, keeping the hand so that the Sun is just above the index finger. The distance between the Sun and the horizon corresponds to the number of fingers. Accordingly, every 1 finger (calculated from the index finger down) is equivalent to 15 minutes.

According to the image, the distance between the Sun and the horizon is 3 fingers. So, about 45 minutes, it will be dark. During this time, quickly find yourself a safe haven before the night can "swallow" all.

4. Don't let yourself be cold

Picture 4 of Under these 5 vital skills, you may not be hungry, thirsty, cold and drowned!

Fire is one of the most important factors when lost. Fire not only lit up but also helped us cook, heat, dry clothes and scare away wild animals .

To create durable fire, there are 3 essential things you must have: oxygen, ingredients and ignition sources.

Oxygen is easy. Materials can include anything that can burn, but it is best to get dry wood.

And the source of ignition, in case of losing the lighter, use the methods of creating fire from ancient times to hit two dry pebbles to create friction. At a time when friction creates certain heat, keep it next to the fire (dry paper, dry grass .).

5. Don't let yourself drown

Picture 5 of Under these 5 vital skills, you may not be hungry, thirsty, cold and drowned!

If unfortunately you get caught up in a fast-flowing stream, ahead is a big waterfall. Keep calm! All problems are handled if you do the following:

When drifting down the waterfall, curl up, hold your breath to let the water flow you down to the bottom. Then use your strength to separate yourself from the water. Think that you are diving, instead of struggling against the rush of water, because that's the only way you can survive.

6. Most importantly, don't be pessimistic!

Picture 6 of Under these 5 vital skills, you may not be hungry, thirsty, cold and drowned!

The optimistic or pessimistic attitude is crucial to the success or failure of the skills you have mastered. When you're in unlucky situations, try to think about solving the problem instead of blaming and giving up.

Smart people will always be optimistic in every situation. As a result, they can easily come up with ideas, or at least grasp the above skills to help themselves.