Pocket immediately these 5 skills to prevent any uncertainties

These are all self-defense skills that are easy to learn, easy to implement, and will definitely be useful at times.

Equipping yourself with self-defense skills necessary to prevent uncertainties is something that is never redundant.

Because like in movies, our peaceful life can be turned upside down in a matter of minutes. So you need to pocket the following tricks to save yourself.


Picture 1 of Pocket immediately these 5 skills to prevent any uncertainties

Statistics show that one of the bad guys used to bind you is the plastic zipper (zip tie or cable tie).

But if you think that only cutting this plastic zipper can be done, you are wrong. Because you can completely break them in this way.

First, let your hand cross over, remember to hold your hand up, because then the muscles and tendons will make your hand bigger. After that, you raise your hand high off your head and quickly pull your hand down and open your arms.

Picture 2 of Pocket immediately these 5 skills to prevent any uncertainties

The zipper part of the plastic zipper is easily broken. Meanwhile, this position helps you combine the force of the entire upper body, so the zipper breaks.

2. Hide things of value

Picture 3 of Pocket immediately these 5 skills to prevent any uncertainties

If you need a place to hide money or precious documents, this is an easy idea for you to do yourself. All you need is a chair, a hammer, a few nails and a rubber band.

First, turn the chair over, and put the nail into the bottom of the chair in the shape of a box. Next, bend the tip of the nail a little outside. Next, hook the rubber bands into the nail like the picture above, and push the money or materials down below.

3. Send a secret message

Picture 4 of Pocket immediately these 5 skills to prevent any uncertainties

To do this, you'll need a piece of white paper, a white pencil, and a marker pen.

Write your message on paper with the pencil above. The message will look completely empty. But when someone needs to read it, they can simply use a highlight marker. The message will magically appear.

If you want more secrets, learn how to make another invisible ink with lemon juice.

4. Check if anyone enters the room

Picture 5 of Pocket immediately these 5 skills to prevent any uncertainties

If you need to check if someone has entered your room without permission, you don't have tracking devices, so just glue and wires are enough.

Simply stick a piece of string so it hangs slightly on the door. When someone closes the door or opens the door, the wire will be stuck into the upper door slot. (before you close the door, be sure to let the wire hang out).

Take measures if someone violates your privacy!

5. Create encrypted messages

Picture 6 of Pocket immediately these 5 skills to prevent any uncertainties

If you need to send an encrypted message, you can use a simple inversion method.

Just write the letters A to L on the same line. In the second line, write the words N to Y.

Next, change each letter in your message with the opposite letter on two lines, while the letter M remains the same. The "Hello" example will become "kvapunb".