What is the composition of water in the human body?

Tomsk Polytechnic University's research team (TPU) and Pavlodar National University of Education (PSPU) have identified the composition of water in human bodies, animals, insects and living organisms. other.

This has been notified by the press service of TPU.

Water is contained in any living tissue: for example, in human bones, it has 5-10%, in the brain 30-40%, in the blood 70-80%. Scientist Vladimir Vernadsky calls this liquid "biological water" collectively.

There are many studies on the composition of blood, urine and plasma. The composition of sea water, river water, and groundwater has been carefully studied. However, the elemental content of biological water has not yet been studied.

According to the head of the project, Professor Professor of Geological Sciences TPU, Leonid Rikhvanov, for the first time they have data on the presence of chemical elements of water in the living body, the level of accumulation of clear water body.

Picture 1 of What is the composition of water in the human body?
Bio-water consists of 70 chemical elements.(Illustration)

To determine the composition of fluids, blood, spleen, liver, kidneys, lungs, muscle tissue, and subcutaneous fat of a seven-month-old pig were used. This animal is quite close to humans in terms of physiological characteristics.

Scientists have used special vacuum machines to separate water from organs and tissues. Different parts of piglets are heated to one hundred degrees, water evaporates and condenses as distilled water.

It turns out that biological water consists of 70 chemical elements, including uranium, thorium, bromine, lead, iron, aluminum and rare earth elements.

'Water in different tissues and organs differs in the chemical composition and maximum concentration of the raw materials. For example, there are 25 accumulated elements in the blood compared to other organs and tissues and in the spleen - 19 elements. At the same time, almost all of the organs and tissues studied contained almost the highest possible sodium, calcium, silicon and potassium. There is a high amount of potassium in the spleen, lots of iron in muscles, and barium, bromine, lead, and bismuth in the blood, ' explains Leonid Rikhvanov.

Scientists plan to continue their research. The next stage is to establish the relationship between the composition of the liquid and the ecosystem of the environment, which will allow the identification of environmental areas that are not favorable to humans. To do this, will determine the composition of water in the organs of pigs from an unfriendly environment area, and then compare with the results obtained.

According to Leonid Rikhvanov, plants, soil and other components are now analyzed to assess the ecological situation. A research object close to humans is being proposed. The new study will allow to determine how technology directly affects the human body.

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