If you are a chemistry person, you are probably familiar with the periodic table, but the truth behind what those elements are is probably not everyone knows.

Tomsk Polytechnic University's research team (TPU) and Pavlodar National University of Education (PSPU) have identified the composition of water in human bodies, animals, insects

Authors can rearrange the periodic system table according to their own creative principles and include clear explanations.

Einstein's great career was his prolonged contemplation based on a childhood dream. Industrial sewing machines were born from an inventor's nightmare Elias Howe.

After 14 years since the discovery of element 116 (Livermorium), global scientists have finally found and confirmed the existence of the 117th element: Ununseptium.

The research team from Lund University, Sweden, found evidence confirming the existence of chemical elements with atomic numbers 115.

As discoverers of the new element, the aforementioned group of scientists has been given naming rights, with very specific criteria.

In 2011, there will be a change in atomic mass of 10 chemical elements in the Periodic Classification of Chemical Elements. For the first time in history, atomic mass ...

No need for a modern laboratory or advanced equipment can come up with a great idea. Marie Curie became the famous female scientist from the most humid and shabby room a scientist