1 kilogram how much?

The question is very silly, but this is the main topic discussed by scientists at the Royal Scientific Conference held in London.

From 1889 until now, as we know, the 1 kilogram standard sample is a cylindrical alloy tube consisting of 90% platinum and 10% iridium with a diameter of 39mm high and 39mm. This standard was built in 1879 in London and then preserved, sealed with a glass bell located at the International office of Paris (France). However, after more than 100 years, this standard has been modified. Its mass is as small as about one . sand grains 0.4mm in diameter.

Picture 1 of 1 kilogram how much?
Standard sample 1 kilogram.

Scientists do not accept this because the unit of weight is the basis for many other units of measurement and the exact science does not allow the slightest deviation. It is necessary to find another standard sample according to the definition, ie the property has not changed.

In 1983, scientists defined a length of 1m as follows: 1 meter is the same length as the distance of a light in a vacuum, over a period of 1 / 299,792,458 seconds. With the unit of weight since 2005, the scientific community had to change the mass pattern of 1 kilogram.

One of the suggestions is to use the Planck constant as a basis to calculate the weight of 1 kilogram (Max Planck - the founding German physicist of quantum theory, the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918). Planck's constant is quite complicated for outsiders. The problem is to determine the relationship between the weight of 1 kilogram by platinum-iridium and planck constants. To do this, scientists use special scales that switch between mechanical work and electric power in Watt.

In the future it is possible that the scientific community will give a definition of 1 kilogram equal to how many . Watt. Mr. Mikael Stock at the Royal Society of the UK said that it was not until 2015 that the Paris International Metrology Conference could pass a new definition of kilogram (!). But it is the work of the scientific world - and we, in our daily lives, are so used to the fact that 1 kilogram is 1,000 grams no matter what the world offers .