10 false predictions famous in the world

Many predict the future of the prophets is not accurate, but they have a great influence on humanity in the world.

The prediction of the apocalypse follows the Mayan calendar on December 21, 2012.

This event caused all humanity a "heart" . Following the Long Count of the Central American Mayan civilization used from 2000 BC to the 16th century, December 21, 2012 will be the end of the cycle including 2,880,000 days of the calendar. Some believe that this is also the day that marks the end of human civilization.

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The whole world is frightened and worried. Many people have prepared shelters, food or long-term plans in the event of Apocalypse. Even in many places the police had to intervene to restore order. Newspapers everywhere have written about this event, along with a series of detailed explanations. Finally, the Mayan prediction was wrong. There is no end date on December 21, 2012.

Irving Fisher's 1929 stock market forecast

Irving Fisher was born on February 27, 1867 in Saugerties, New York, USA. He was a famous economist in the United States at the time, but a misdemeanor lost Fisher's reputation for many years. Three days before the US stock market collapsed, he predicted that stock prices seemed to have reached the highest and most stable level.

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Irving Fisher

After the market collapse led to the Great World Economic Crisis of 1930-1940, Fisher paid dearly for his wrong prediction. His reputation and fortune were quickly destroyed. Later, his name was used for some economic terms during the 2000 economic crisis, such as the Fisher equation, the Fisher hypothesis, the Fisher international impact and the Fisher separation theorems.

Y2K Incident

Before the year of 2000 'knocking on doors' of mankind, there were false predictions in the field of computers and information technology. Computer experts realize that on the software the number of years is always displayed as 2 digits (for example, 1998 will be displayed as '98). They were concerned that by 2000, two 00s would be misunderstood by the computers in 1900, and this would cause unforeseen incidents to digital documents.

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The prediction of this incident is confusing for those who use computers that at that time people called the Millennium Error, or Y2K incident. This incident did not happen then.

Shop online

In 1996, Time Magazine published an article predicting the situation of operations in 2000. The article called The Futurists stated that by the year 2000, people in remote areas could also buy Shopping conveniently.

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However, the article still doubts about the reality of online shopping because 'Women often prefer to leave home and buy their own goods'. Although women still prefer to go out shopping but the fact proves that shopping online is also a channel that is very popular among women due to the great benefits it brings. Time magazine's forecast was wrong.

Robert Metcalfe's prediction in 1995. Robert Metcalfe was born on April 7, 1946 in Brooklyn, New York, USA. He is an electronics engineer and famous as co-inventor of Ethernet networking technology, and the inventor of Metcalfe's law. He is also creative director at the University of Texas, Austin. In 1995, he predicted that the Internet would collapse due to serious errors and promised to eat those promise writing papers if he guessed wrong.

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Robert Metcalfe

The predictions he really was wrong. At the 6th WWW international conference, in his speech, he gave the article about the Internet crash into the blender and drank it to prove he did not swallow the promise.

Titanic ship

The chairman of the White Star Line, which produced the Titanic, spoke of the ship before its first and last departure: 'The Titanic cannot sink. Passengers suffer only a small inconvenience during the cruise '.

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Captain Smith predicted: 'I don't see any risk of accidents that could happen to the ship. Modern shipbuilding technology will solve that problem. ' Sadly, when the Titanic crashed into the iceberg on April 15, 1912, it broke down and sank 1,502 people into the North Atlantic Ocean.

The Beatles band

On January 1, 1962, music producer Decca Tony Meehan recorded an audition for the Beatles band members including Paul McCartney, John Lennon, George Harison and Pete Best. They presented 15 songs in an hour.

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But Decca Records refused to accept them with the comment: "We don't like their music. The groups play guitar now and now." The company also predicts the group will soon fail, but the things The Beatles made the world astonishing, they became the most sold group in the US, received seven Academy Music Awards and one Grammy Award, Time Magazine honored The Beatles. among the top 100 most influential people of the 20th century.

Pearl Harbor

Any attack on the US Navy fleet is a huge shock to Americans. Frank Knox, the Secretary of the US Navy, said to reassure people on December 4, 1941, that whatever happens to the United States, the US Navy will always be ready to fight and win.

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It was three days before the famous Pearl Harbor battle took place. 353 Japanese fighters attacked the US Navy base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on December 7, 1941. The battle destroyed 8 warships and 188 US fighter planes and killed 2,042 US soldiers. The painful President Roosevelt's comment on December 7, 1941 was: 'The day marks America's infamy.'

Capitalism collapsed

The tension between Russia and the US remains a threat to world peace during the Cold War. Both began a nuclear arms race and also strived to achieve a leading position in space science.

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Communist Party leader Nikita Khrushchev

In that context, Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev from 1953-1964 pounded shoes on the table at the United Nations meeting in 1960, he confidently stated that capitalism was bound to fail. and communism is moving forward. He said: "History is on our side .". History, in fact, was not on their side, as the Soviet Union officially disbanded on December 26, 1991.

Mail transport by missile

The American General, Arthur E. Summerfield declared vigorously: 'Before humans set foot on the moon, letters will be transferred to areas such as from New York to California, England, India or Australia by Control missiles. We are standing at the threshold of the missile era.

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Sample mail for missile transport in the United States

Although the statement was made after a few successful tests, the prediction never came true because the cost of shipping missiles by rocket is too expensive.