Overview of the world in 2017 through the prophetic lens

Two world famous prophets Nostradamus and Vanga have made predictions about the world destiny of 2017 that many people care about.

At the time, the Bulgarian old blind Baba Vanga and the French philosopher Nostradamus made many predictions about the future. Among them, many prophecies have come true. Now many interested Nostradamus and Vanga have predicted something about the world in 2017.

Picture 1 of Overview of the world in 2017 through the prophetic lens

Here are some of the predictions of two world-famous prophets for 2017:

High unemployment rate in Italy

According to Nostradamus' prophecy, 2017 will be a tough year for Italy as the unemployment rate rises and loans make it the "center" of a European financial crisis. It is even forecasted to lead to the collapse of the EU economy.

Korea and South Korea unified into one country

Nostradamus predicts that by 2017, Korea and South Korea will merge, "the river will fall into one".

IS attacked America

Among the predictions for 2017, Vanga prophesied the United States to become the target of an attack by Islamic IS terrorist organization.

Rebel rebels will carry out many attacks on the United States through neighboring countries.

China rose to become a superpower

Ms Vanga predicts that China will gradually become a world superpower in 2017 and take the top position of the US in 2018. Meanwhile, Nostradamus Chinese prophet will have moves to save the economic imbalance. Internationally, by large-scale actions.

World War 3

According to Nostradamus, US presidential candidate Donald Trump will become the White House boss of the country of the flag flower. This prediction came true when he was elected president in the November 2016 election.

Since then, some conspiracy theories that US President Donald Trump will spark World War 3 after becoming the most powerful man in the country.