Inauguration ceremony of President of the United States has history, process and special imprints? Follow the following Infographic to watch this exciting 4-year event once.

8 US presidents have never attended college, 4 left college, and 25 presidents used to be lawyers. Those are interesting things about US presidents.

The billionaire Donald Trump will officially become the 45th president of the United States on January 20 and have an iconic walk home to a new home in Washington.

Return the nuclear suitcase, find a new property, say goodbye to the people and associates, that is the list of things the US president needs to do before the end of his term.

Only a handful of Americans (including Donald Trump - at least until now) had the honor of sitting on Air Force One aircraft (AFO).

President Obama has just performed a pardon ceremony for Thanksgiving turkeys on Thanksgiving Day. This is the last time this beloved Commander can say jokes before he leaves the

With the victory in the election earlier this week, Mr. Donald Trump officially became the 45th President of the United States to replace Mr. Barrack Obama.

Mount Rushmore is a famous mountain, where the faces of 4 US presidents have been carved.

As the face of the nation, the US president must follow certain communication rules when dealing with heads of state in the world.

The first strike, the first US president died at the office ... were the first landmarks in human history.