When you stand on a hill or in the middle of a large forest and shout your name, after a while you will hear the sound of your name repeating again (though it breaks down and gets

Many predictions were made centuries ago but the reality has proved that prophecies are perfectly accurate to humanity.

One of the frightening predictions of the blind prophet Vanga is about aliens, which follow her, they come from the third planet named Vamfim.

Two world famous prophets Nostradamus and Vanga have made predictions about the world destiny of 2017 that many people care about.

British scientists say they will host a $ 650 million program to look for the chemical signs of life on planets that orbit the distant stars.

We still know that bats create a mischievous racket that helps them navigate in space. But it turns out they flapped their wings in a quiet environment when flying in flocks.

The project uses in-ear echoes as a security measure developed by NEC technology group and Nagaoka University, Japan.