Among the many predictions about the 2017 world, notably Nostradamus' prophecy about an alien invasion of the Earth.

Many predictions were made centuries ago but the reality has proved that prophecies are perfectly accurate to humanity.

2014 and 2015 can be seen as the period of

Referring to the prophets in the world, the first man to remember is Nostradamus because different from other prophets, he is able to guess the fate of the world for a long time,

Two world famous prophets Nostradamus and Vanga have made predictions about the world destiny of 2017 that many people care about.

Two world-famous prophets Vanga and Nostramadus have launched a series of forecasts about the world in 2016 that many people are puzzled. Is there anything that will come true in

9/11 terrorism, Ebola pandemic, bombing in Oklahoma, tsunami, volcanic eruption ... are the disasters of mankind that have been predicted by humans for many years or even

Many prophets in the world, including Nostradamus, have made predictions about the disasters that will occur in 2015.

Nostradamus (1503 - 1566) is often regarded as the most outstanding prophet of all time, with the ability to accurately predict most important events that affect world history,

In recent years, speculations and forecasts about apocalypse have become more and more numerous. There have been many false forecasts, but new forecasts still appear