'Attractive' predictions about the 21st century

Some predictions about the next years of the 21st century have been given by theoretical physics professor Michio Kaku of New York University in the book of Future Physics. Here are a few predictions posted on CNN.

>>>Forecast of outstanding scientific events in 2012

Elevator to the universe

At the end of the 21st century, it is possible to have an elevator that takes people to space, not falling to the earth thanks to centrifugal force. All thanks to nanotechnology.

There is an extremely hard and durable substance that scientists have discovered, called graphene, made of a layer of carbon atoms. It is hard enough to build an elevator that takes people to space without fear of breaking.

Picture 1 of 'Attractive' predictions about the 21st century

We can only produce a tiny fraction of a millimeter of this carbon atom. However, in the future, if we can solve this problem, it is likely that we will go to the universe simply as taking a ferry from place to place.

Stop the aging process

Future biotechnology can allow us to stop aging.

After centuries of controversy, we finally know that aging may be due to differences in cellular, gene and molecular levels. But we can create mechanisms to correct these deviations. For example, doubling the life cycle of organisms, from yeast cells to insects and primates. Finally, a combination of therapies such as gene therapy, chromosomes, calorie restriction, etc. can allow us to solve the aging problem.

There have been 60 genes identified as the place to regulate the aging process. In the future, when everyone has their entire genes stored, maybe we just need to scan millions of young people's genes and the genes of the elderly, and then remove the aging genes. . In this way, we can isolate aging genes. Since then, future generations may choose to live up to the age of 30, after which they will no longer grow older for decades to come.

Smart machines

Currently, our most modern robot has only the intelligence of a cockroach, it can only identify and locate simple objects in the room.

But in the coming decades, robots will be as smart as a mouse, then smart as a dog or a cat, and eventually have intelligence like a monkey. The robot industry is even bigger than the current car industry.

Professor Michio Kaku predicts that by the end of the 21st century, robots will have intelligence like humans. But are they dangerous? May. So we should put a chip in the brains of these robots to neutralize them when they think violently.

But what if their intelligence is beyond human? Will we become dust in this vast universe or will we be taken to the zoo? Or maybe there is another option: to unite the intelligence of people and robots to create human beings with superhuman characteristics.

Renewable machine

The biggest benefit of nanotechnology is the regeneration machine, a device that can create everything from virtually nothing. The key to creating this device is nanobot, a molecule of the size of a molecule that cuts and aligns molecular bonds, turning shredded items into valuable goods.

It sounds ridiculous. However, Mother Nature created a nanobot, the ribosome, an organelle in the cells of living organisms, that helps the cell's protein synthesis. In order to master this art of regeneration it will take centuries, but once successful, poverty will be eliminated, opening up the golden age of mankind.

Energy based on space and fusion

In a decade, renewable technologies, wind or solar technology will reduce prices to compete with oil, which is increasingly expensive.

In 2019, fusion energy will play a key role when the international fusion reactor is put into use in southern France. Instead of melting uranium, which produces a large amount of nuclear waste, the fusion reaction heats hydrogen gas, which is available in seawater.

And a decade later, fusion power plants will be commercialized, which can benefit the whole world, addressing the energy crisis and global warming. The fusion reaction is both safe, clean and reusable, promising to energize the economy in the middle of the 21st century.