10 most common bad habits of humans

People have many negative jobs, not only adversely affecting others but also harming themselves. Here are 10 of the most common bad habits that Western scientists ranked in reverse order.

Picture 1 of 10 most common bad habits of humans

10. Gossip

People often judge and discuss other people, regardless of whether or not it hurts the target audience. According to Robin Dunbar, a researcher at Oxford University (UK), the goal of 'trafficking' is not to give truth, accurate information, but to get a group of people to come together, even though That may adversely affect the object being discussed.

9. Gambling

'Red-black' blood seems to be rooted in the minds of many people around the world. As a result of a neurological study published in Neuron magazine, when winning silver, human brains are stimulated to continue gambling. 'Gamblers often think that winning is a special event, encouraging them to continue gambling. The brain was excited by nearly winning the same thing as winning silver, even though the two things were completely different, ' Like Clark of Cambridge University (UK) said. When losing, people become more drunk and forget all reasonable and thorough calculations before entering the gamble.

8. Do too much

Neurological stress can cause people to become depressed, depressed, and even lead to suicide. Modern working environment stresses many people. According to the International Labor Organization, over 600 million people around the world work more than 48 hours a week, many have to work overtime without being paid more. About half of the American people who go home still work. Advanced technologies such as smartphones and broadband Internet make the boundary between working time and rest light fade away. Health experts recommend that regular exercise and adequate sleep are the best way to eliminate nervous stress.

7. Strings, skewers, tattoos and saws

It is forecasted that by 2015, about 17% of Americans experience some beauty process. Some call it self-enlightenment, art, killing time, rebellious, against. Some people like to wear, slant, pierce, cut, tattoo . to change the shape of the head, extend the neck, decorate the ears, mouth, chest, abdomen . These actions are from ancient times. when people deeply worship religion or want to show their strength and status.

Perhaps many people today do this to make themselves more beautiful or simply to announce that they belong to a group of people. However, making 'chisel' such body often inconvenient in living, easily causing swelling, inflammation, dangerous infection . In addition, strange tattoos on biceps and jewelry. attached on the tongue, hooked on the chest, balls lying under the skin . making outsiders look uncomfortable.

6. Bullying others

Studies show that more than half of high school students have been bullied or bullied. According to a study conducted in 2009 in Europe, children who bully friends at school often bully siblings at home. But bullying others is not just a child's act. One study found that 30% of office workers in the US were bullied by bosses or colleagues, by hiding important information that made tasks difficult to complete, spreading rumors, deliberately insulting others .

5. Saying untrue

No one can explain why people lie so much. 'Lying involves self-esteem. We believe that when people feel that their self-esteem is threatened, they immediately lie to keep their face , 'said psychologist Robert Feldman of the University of Massachusetts (USA). Feldman conducted a study of the frequency of lies among some people, of which 60% of the people surveyed lied at least once during the 10-minute conversation. According to many researchers, a lie is usually 30% longer than the true statement, and people lie in emails for more work purposes in handwritten letters.

4. Cheating

Although most people think that honesty is a virtue, 1 in 5 Americans thinks that tax fraud is acceptable and that it is not moral. About 10% of the researched people say that sometimes it is possible to have an affair without feeling sorry for their partner. According to several studies, those who uphold moral codes are often most deceived. The liars are often the most moral, and justify that lies are acceptable actions in certain situations.

More and more celebrities and politicians are considered moral examples to go into adultery. According to many experts, the reason is simple: men desire sex more than women, and men with power tend to deceive their partners.

3. Stealing

Many people steal because of need. But there are many people who steal because they feel excited before the object they see. A study of 43,000 people in the United States indicated that 11% of them admitted to stealing items in the store at least once even though they were over bought. According to some researchers, Naltrexone may help people curb cravings for things. Drugs help block the effects of endogenous substances that urge people to steal and suppress the feeling of pleasure in the brain when doing that action.

2. Longing for violence

Violence is a problem throughout human history. According to scientists, human ancestors in the past even loved peace more than people today, although there is evidence that humans eat cannibalism in prehistoric times. People seem to crave violence like craving for sex, food and drugs. Many researchers believe that human acts of violence are associated with survival instincts.

'Aggressive actions in species in general are related to the struggle to survive or fight for partners, and this depends on the natural environment, society, reproduction, and history of species. Humans are one of the most aggressive species , 'said biologist David Carrier of the University of Utah (USA).

1. Keep your bad habits forever

Perhaps all of the above are still easier to deal with than abandoning bad habits. Studies have shown that many people are aware of the dangers of bad habits but still cannot quit. They often argued for their bad habits, such as 'It hurt me' , 'My grandmother smoked for life and still lives to 90 years old .'