10 mysteries in the solar system that scientists have not yet explained (1)

Although the space science has made many new advances, with the support of advanced technology, there are still mysteries that we cannot explain. Not far away, but even in our solar system there are many mysteries.

The mysteries in the Solar System:

1. An invisible shield around the Earth

In 1958, James Van Allen of the University of Iowa discovered a pair of radiation belts around the Earth, at a distance of 40,000km above the ground. These belts contain high-energy electronic particles and protons. These are the energy particles emitted from the Sun's activity, at times when the Sun is active or the Sun's phenomenon, the amount and level of energy of these particles increases.

Picture 1 of 10 mysteries in the solar system that scientists have not yet explained (1)

These high-energy particles and radiation are invisible killers, but they can also affect satellites and electronic systems on Earth. However, most of them are unable to reach the surface of the Earth, some higher energy particles can penetrate deeper than the atmosphere, but all must stop at a distance of 11,000km above the ground.

Scientists say there is an invisible wall that prevents these energy particles from entering the Earth. It is like an invisible energy shield in fictional movies like Star Wars. However, why the Earth has such a shield is still a mystery without an answer. Many theories suggest that the Earth's magnetic field causes high-energy particles to not penetrate, but this hypothesis still faces many opposing opinions.

2. Unusual horizontal flight

Since humans know how to put satellites and spacecraft into space, scientists know how to take advantage of the gravity of planets like centrifugal force to help create more thrust for space exploration. . It is almost like when you tie a rope to a rock, then spin to throw the rock further.

Picture 2 of 10 mysteries in the solar system that scientists have not yet explained (1)

However, in the application of this method, scientists found a strange phenomenon. That is the speed of rotation of the spacecraft or satellite around a planet is unstable. It is called abnormal transverse phenomenon. Meanwhile, in theory, the rotation speed must gradually increase or decrease with stable acceleration according to the calculations of scientists.

In fact, NASA's Cassini spacecraft was launched into Earth's orbit in 1999, sometimes accelerating and sometimes unusually decelerating around the Earth. Many hypotheses are in place, including the hypothesis of the dark matter remaining in the solar system. It was like a dense area but could not be observed. When the spacecraft passes through this material area it will be slowed down like a bullet flying from the air to the liquid environment.

3. Large red stain on Jupiter

In the first observation of Jupiter, scientists discovered a mysterious, large red stain that had a circle on the planet's atmosphere. Its size is enough for 2 Earth to enter, and it continues to move above Jupiter's atmosphere. Until now scientists have not been able to know what it is, but only know that it has been around for a long time.

Picture 3 of 10 mysteries in the solar system that scientists have not yet explained (1)

There have been many theories set out to explain what it is, as well as the formation and why it is so big in size that it is red like bricks. In it, many scientists believe that it is a giant storm, it was formed long ago and on its way it absorbed other small storms. Like a mini black hole to continue to exist and grow.

The red color of the storm is due to the material on Jupiter's surface being sucked into the storm. However, another theory is that sunlight reflects along with some of the chemicals in Jupiter's atmosphere such as ammonia and acetylene that make it red. Currently, this mysterious red streak continues to move and grow.

4. Weather on Saturn's moon Titan

Titan is Saturn's only Moon, interestingly, it also has Earth-like seasons. Each season on Titan lasted about 7 years on Earth, that is because it took the planet Saturn to film a circle around the Sun for 29 years. The most recent transition on Titan is in 2009, when the Northern Hemisphere winter changes to Spring and Southern Hemisphere has just ended the summer.

Picture 4 of 10 mysteries in the solar system that scientists have not yet explained (1)

However, around May 2012, during Titan's Southern Hemisphere fall, scientists discovered the image of a massive tornado with a diameter of up to 300km. This is impossible in warm conditions in the Southern Hemisphere at that time.

Meanwhile, by the method of spectral analysis, scientists discovered signs of hydrogen cyanide (HCN) frozen particles inside the book of the storm. Whereas to form these HCN frozen particles, the temperature must be 100 degrees Celsius lower than normal. That means that the weather on Titan has a confusing reversal.

Now scientists cannot explain this mystery. Nor is there any theory, because the number of planets with the distribution of Earth's seasons is very rare. Meanwhile this phenomenon is also very special. It makes scientists fear the same thing may happen to the Earth.

5. High-energy cosmic rays

Picture 5 of 10 mysteries in the solar system that scientists have not yet explained (1)

Cosmic rays with high energy radiation that are unlike radiation from the Sun are one of the mysteries scientists are still studying. So far we have not known where these cosmic rays come from, as well as why they have such great energy.

On Earth, scientists also note that such cosmic rays are directed at our atmosphere. But thanks to the invisible shield, these rays do not affect people as well as electronic devices on the surface of the Earth. These cosmic rays carry the highest energy particles we've ever seen in the universe.

There is a theory that these cosmic rays come from huge explosions due to the formation, collapse or collision of large stars outside the Milky Way. However, according to observation, the appearance of these cosmic rays does not coincide with any cosmic phenomenon that we can observe.
