100 beautiful and spectacular places in the world (Part 4)

Nature always gives people wonderful things and beauty. The beautiful scenery of the Faroe Islands, Point Reyes Seashore National Park, Mingus Mill Waterfall . is one of the 100 beautiful places on earth that surely everyone wants to set foot in.

59. Caya Cay Island, Copperfield Bay, Bahamas

Picture 1 of 100 beautiful and spectacular places in the world (Part 4)
Musha Cay is an island owned by the magician David Copperfield, with an area of ​​more than 150ha, located 140km southeast of the Bahamas.

60. Beautiful scenery of the Faroe Islands

Picture 2 of 100 beautiful and spectacular places in the world (Part 4)
The Faroe Islands or Faeroe Islands (meaning "sheep archipelago") is an island group located in the Norwegian Sea, the North Atlantic Ocean, between Iceland, Norway and Scotland.

61. Sky Walking at Mt. Nimbus, Canada

Picture 3 of 100 beautiful and spectacular places in the world (Part 4)
Photo: internet.

62. River of Flowers, Keukenhof, Netherlands

Picture 4 of 100 beautiful and spectacular places in the world (Part 4)
Flower river.(Photo: internet.)

63. Roller Coaster in Yokohama, Japan

Picture 5 of 100 beautiful and spectacular places in the world (Part 4)
Glider underwater.(Photo: internet.)

64. Magic Forest in Shanghai

Picture 6 of 100 beautiful and spectacular places in the world (Part 4)
Magic forest.(Photo: internet.)

65. Cathedral Cove, Coromandel Peninsula, New Zealan

Picture 7 of 100 beautiful and spectacular places in the world (Part 4)
Photo: internet.

66. Point Reyes Seashore National Park, California

Picture 8 of 100 beautiful and spectacular places in the world (Part 4)
Photo: internet.

67. Stairway to Heaven, Iceland

Picture 9 of 100 beautiful and spectacular places in the world (Part 4)
Stairway to heaven.(Photo: internet.)

68. Mingus Mill Waterfall, Blue Ridge Mountain, North Carolina

Picture 10 of 100 beautiful and spectacular places in the world (Part 4)
Photo: internet.

69. Tuscany, Italy

Picture 11 of 100 beautiful and spectacular places in the world (Part 4)
This life becomes beautiful, when we are part of nature.