Located on the cliffs or in the middle of a river is the location of the most exotic rated houses on the planet, according to Australia's News page.

If you don't know where to go in the summer of 2016, you can consider great destinations selected by Condé Nast Traveler magazine.

Enjoy the magnificent scenes recorded from the highest points of famous landmarks in the world.

Nature always gives people wonderful things and beauty. The beautiful scenery of the Faroe Islands, Point Reyes Seashore National Park, Mingus Mill Waterfall ... is one of the 100

Whether in the forest or under the sea, public toilets impress anyone when compared to its uniqueness.

Scientists in the US and Canada have discovered the existence of short-distance flying fish on the sea.

Go to Copenhagen, New York or Hong Kong, visitors will enjoy a true Christmas, with bustling markets, street light and bright, warm and cheerful atmosphere.

To kill the target from a long distance, Canadian snipers must watch at high angle, adding elements of wind direction and air humidity.

Scientists from Canada are building a factory to recycle carbon dioxide (CO2), which can suck carbon dioxide out of the air and combine it with hydrogen obtained from other

Former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer thinks the planet is real, accusing world leaders of keeping their existence on Earth secret.