Strange flying fish

Scientists in the US and Canada have discovered the existence of short-distance flying fish on the sea.

Picture 1 of Strange flying fish
This fish has a pair of large fins and a pair of small fins.When flying, they flap like a bird flapping its wings.

Picture 2 of Strange flying fish
In addition to the four fins, the scientists also found fish flying in two fins.Previous studies have shown that in the past, four-fin fish had only two front fins, after which the two fins grew further in evolution.

Picture 3 of Strange flying fish
"Flying fish" can surf a distance of up to 400 meters above the water.They can change direction and altitude while flying.The two fins fly much shorter and in a straight line.

Picture 4 of Strange flying fish
The length of the fins and fins of the two fins is larger than that of the four fins.

Picture 5 of Strange flying fish
Surfing on the water can be an effective tactic for fish to deal with water predators like seabirds, sharks, and dolphins.

Picture 6 of Strange flying fish
A four-fined fish has patterns on the body.