While trying to cure diseases that have been for centuries, scientists are also interested in a big question that has not been answered yet: Where does human illness come from?

Marriage is an evolutionary step of the human race from polygamy to protect reproductive health, ensuring good maintenance of the race.

American scientists claim to find individuals with the disease gene still perfectly healthy, similar to superhero characters.

A scientific study by Bulgaria announced on January 14 said that a sense of national level happiness is caused by a special genetic mutation.

The human hand has 5 fingers, except for the thumb, all the remaining fingers have 3 burners, only 2 thumbs are burned. However, the function of the thumb occupies half the

There has been evidence that aging may not be an inherent trait of all organisms, but a product of the evolution of species in the natural environment. It is this evolution that

A small genetic mutation 30,000 years ago spread rapidly in central China, and can help residents of this country resist the terrible heat and humidity.

In the latest issue of the American Journal of Digital Science, researchers from the Molecular Biology Laboratory - the British Medical Research Commission have revealed that they

Scientists have discovered the combination of two parents' genes in sexual reproductive animals such as humans, fruit flies, rod bugs ... that help faulty DNA can be replaced in a

Entering middle age is also the time when people reach the peak of the evolutionary scale, according to the new hypothesis of Cambridge University experts.