12 facts that few people know about Canada

Canada not only owns one of the largest economies in the world, it also contains many interesting surprises that few people know.

1. Each year Canada's Newfoundland island has up to 500-600 collisions between elk and cars

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The scene of a crash between the car and the elk.

The highest density of elk in Newfoundland falls into the highest category in the world. Each year, the region has 500-600 collisions between elk and cars moving on the road. Most of these animal and human crashes do not cause many casualties, but the number of people injured each year falls in the range of 5-10 people. On average, 1 person died because of this strange type of collision.

According to Globe and Mail, Newfoundland has also recently started implementing an elk management plan to reduce the number of moose and human collisions.

2. Overweight people may love coming to Canada here

Hudson Bay area in Canada is one of the places where gravity is much lower than many other "normal" areas on Earth. This phenomenon was first discovered in the 1960s when a map of the Earth's gravitational field was created.

A person who weighs 70kg when coming here will only have 4 taels. Not because they are there will reduce weight but in fact their body weight is still the same, only the gravity of the earth has decreased significantly, making the measurement as normal become false.

According to The New Scientist, this phenomenon is due to the slow recovery of the Earth's crust after experiencing the last ice age and a deeper reason related to the troposphere on the earth's surface.

3. Canadians eat more noodle than Americans

In Canada, Kraft Macaroni & Cheese instant noodles called "Kraft Dinner" are the most purchased grocery items in the country. On average, every Canadian eat 3.2 cans per year, 55% more than Americans.

4. Canada's forest area is equal to the area of ​​12 countries combined

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Forest in Canada.

Canada's forest area can be equal to the total area of ​​Japan, Italy, Cambodia, Nicaragua, France, Germany, Ghana, Cameroon, Sweden, South Korea, Uraguay and the United Kingdom combined. As a result, Canada has a total of 348 million hectares of forest land. 5.75% of Canadians are scattered along 100 miles of US border.

Canada is one of the countries with the lowest population growth in the world because most of Canada's northern area is relatively sparse because of its cold, harsh climate. While Canada's population is 36 million, California's state alone is more than 39 million. The total population of the United States is 324 million.

6. The amount of Canadian syro produced can be filled with 14 specialized swimming pools for Olympics exams

In 2014, Canada produced 9,486. 000 liters of syrup. This amount is enough to fill the 14 standard Olympics swimming pools (each pool has a capacity of 660,000 liters). In that huge number, in Quebec alone, it produced 8.80 million liters.

7. Quebec is called the "Kingdom of syro"

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Syro Canada.

According to the economic magazine Economist, Quebec accounts for 71% of global syrup production, making it the "kingdom of syro" . There is even a federation here called FPAQ that specializes in controlling the price of syrup like OPEC controls oil prices.

8. Canada's crude oil reserves can fill about 26,100 Empire State buildings

Canada has 172 billion barrels of crude oil reserves, the third largest oil reserve in the world, equivalent to 7,220 billion liters of oil. Meanwhile the volume of the Empire State building is 37 million.

9. The name "Canada" comes from a misunderstanding about 16th century languages

In 1536, French explorer Jacques Cartier overheard Iroquois talking about their settlement "kanata" meaning "village" or "reconciliation". Because of the frequent use of this word, he thought it was the country name.

10. About 15% of Canadians visit Tim Hortons coffee brand every day

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Tim Hortons serves 2 billion cups of coffee each year.

As of 2014, estimates from Tim Hortons, 15% of the Canadian population (equivalent to about 5,300,000 - 5,400,000 people visit coffee and donut chains every day. Furthermore, Tim Hortons serves 2 billion cups of coffee a year, of which about 8 out of 10 coffee types are sold in Canada Tim Timons accounts for 60% of the coffee market in the country.

11. Canada is the 4th largest city in the world using French

The three largest French-speaking cities are Paris - France, Kinshasa - Democratic Republic of Congo and Abidijan - Cote dlvoire.

Montreal - Canada is the 4th largest French-speaking city with a total population of 4,020,000.

12. Canada has a national park bigger than Switzerland

Wood Buffalo National Park in Alberta, Canada covers an area of ​​about 17,300 square miles. This area is bigger than Switzerland only 15, 490 square miles.