Did you know 17 funny facts that the whole world knows about?

Discover the following 17 incredibly interesting facts to expand your knowledge. Certainly, you will know more surprises about life around you.

1. A psychological study shows that when you are alone, you will see happy couples. Once married, you will see single people happy.

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To verify this, immediately send a message to a friend who just married or immediately asked anyone who is married!

2. Men usually only love after 3 days, while women have to go to the 14th day, they are really "sunshine".

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So, if you keep up with someone who has not seen them "dumped", please wait patiently for the 14th day then change your attack tactics.

3. People who spend hours working with a computer or watching TV are likely to have TATT (Tired All The Time) fatigue syndrome all the time.

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TATT is considered a very common syndrome in the 20th century when technology began to flourish and people became increasingly dependent on computers. TATT can occur due to sitting too much, dozing off at the desk, lack of water, lack of sunlight due to sitting in a closed room, little exercise or uncontrolled eating .

4. The antonym of the word Déjà vu (the phenomenon of seeing the future before the past, in French, meaning seeing it before) is Jamais Vu meaning never seen and not remembering something you always see.

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Jamais Vu and Déjà vu are all mysterious phenomena of the brain that so far there is no sufficient evidence to explain their origins.

5. Philophobia is a phenomenon of fear of love

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Those who fall into the FA scene for too long or have loved and broke up are likely to have this "syndrome".

6. Psychology thinks that women who play online video games tend to be happier in personal relationships than those who do not play.

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Many studies show that women play video games often have a better mood, more sociable and very open to everything. They are rarely bound and have a better view of life's problems.

7. Posting personal information on social networks will activate the brain's reward system similar to when you abuse drugs.

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Dopamine is a chemical related to the reward system of the brain and is often associated with many tangible pleasures such as food, drugs, addictive substances or money. In addition, if you regularly share images or post status on social networks like Facebook or Twitter , this substance will also be released.

8. Unexpected phone calls and messages are often the best things; Even, can immediately change a person's mental state as well as the mind in a positive direction.

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So, please surprise your beloved friends regularly with messages or calls.

9. There are about 159,635 people who will die the same day as you.

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10. People tend to open up and confess things when texting late at night.

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The fact that the more at night, the easier it is for us to fall into a lonely state and the more likely we are to share with others.

11. A 20-second hug will release Oxytocin - a compound that can make you trust your opponent more.

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12. The phenomenon that you feel like you're about to fall into the pool and suddenly startled when you're about to fall into a deep sleep is called Hypnic Jerk.

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Hypnagogic Jerk phenomenon occurs when the body sleeps, suddenly suddenly jerked along with the feeling of dreamy, depressed. The reason is that the brain does not receive the signal that the body is going to sleep, but it is thought that the body is "falling", thus signaling muscle contraction to regain balance, so the body has a recoil strong, even wake up. This phenomenon mainly occurs when the body loses strength or is under high pressure.

Another explanation is that because of the limbs of the human being under the control of the brain, when the body enters the sleep state, the brain will gradually control the activity of the extremities and put the muscles into resting state. At this time, the nerves in the muscles still move, plus the state of fast asleep, the circulation of blood in the body decreases, making the small movements more noticeable. Doctors said that when sleeping, the body suddenly jerks up is a normal phenomenon and there is nothing to worry about.

13. The longer you love, the less frequently you will say that you love each other.

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When was the last time your "bear" said "I love you" / "I love you"?

14. The two lovers together look deeply into each other's eyes, their hearts beat in the same rhythm.

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According to the study, couples who are in the sublimation of love will have the same heartbeat after looking at each other's eyes for 3 minutes.

15. Likes darkness or night is called night rape (Nyctophilia). People who "just like to live at night" often feel relaxed and comfortable in the dark.

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Scientists have divided into two groups of people: the "daytime activities" and the "night activities" groups. It is estimated that about 15% of the population belongs to the daytime activity group - getting up at 6 am, 15% being the night group - just getting sleepy after 1pm. And 70% are people who fluctuate between the two groups.

16. When writing, reading or studying, listening to non-verbal music will help you focus more.

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Meditation and Baroque music are all good suggestions if you are trying to verify this claim.

17. The best person in your life is the first person to appear in your mind after reading this sentence.

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Comment right below about the best person in your life!