28-toe cat broke the world record

The cat, called Paws, has a particularly large number of toes due to anatomy.

Paws, the cat that owned 28 toes, broke the old world set in 2002 for the cat with the most toes, UPI reported on February 9. The owner of Paws is Jeanne Martin, who lives in Northfield, Minnesota, USA.

Picture 1 of 28-toe cat broke the world record
Cats Paws have a total of 28 toes.(Photo: CBS).

Cats often have 18 toes, each with 5 toes and each with 4 toes. However, Paws possesses a special number of toes due to the presence of anomalies , also known as polydactyl . The cat was taken by Walter Nachtigall, Martin's mate, from the maple syrup farm.

"In the past, Paws loved it when I let him sit in my lap and caress my belly. It felt safe. So when I gave birth, he brought them back to my farm and hid on a Studebaker truck that I used to work, " said Nachtigall.

Other wide feet often help the Paws to balance well on extremely narrow surfaces, Martin said. When he took him to see a veterinarian to trim his nails, she always reminded them to do all 28 toes. Doctors also do not charge extra for looking after Paws though Martin offers.