3 mysteries of the globe
Everyone knows that space can affect people. The sun causes many problems where some people are sensitive to weather changes. Besides causing tidal fluctuations, the moon is also the cause of sleepwalking (walking while sleeping).
(Photo: LiveScience)
Everyone seems to have heard that our planet could be a meteorite ' landing ' on a certain day in the future. The earth itself can affect human life as follows:
Low frequency radiation emitted from the earth's intestine adversely affects human organs.
High-rise buildings built on drainage can be shaken and collapsed for no-one reason.
According to one of many theories, the dinosaurs perish due to the two magnetic poles of the Earth move.
The team of experts from the Russian Academy of Science found the strange connection between the number of accidents with the earth's electromagnetic disturbance, and low-frequency radiation in the gut is the hateful culprit . One of the many theories is that the phenomenon is caused by stress tension processes in the earth's crust. And, maybe part of this energy
The moon is also the cause of sleepwalking (Photo: ezthemes.com) and then transforms into a stream of electric molecules from free bursts, just like the demons from the Pandora box. Science believes that mysterious radiation adversely affects human health. For example, statistics show that most people call ambulance and traffic accident when there is an increase in this type of radiation.
Science recorded many giant holes appearing in the earth's magnetic field. To some extent these holes will cause problems. Science thinks that the two magnetic poles of the earth will change positions at that time, because this phenomenon has happened in the geological history of the planet.
Currently, the pole from the North is moving and approaching Siberia . So does the Southern pole, it leaves Antarctica and is now approaching the coast of Western Australia. Movement of two magnetic poles was detected at the Military Center and Ground Forces Institute. According to some data, the phenomenon of magnetic poles changing once occurred during the 12,500 period, and it may have killed dinosaurs, mammouth elephants, and caused destruction of Atlantis.
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