3 technologies trusted by Bill Gates will save the world

Bill Gates has just given directions for addressing the energy crisis and future climate change with three new power generation technologies.

New technology believed by Bill Gates will save the world

Bill Gates announced the Breakthrough Energy Coalition project, a group of 28 investors such as Mark Zuckerberg, George Soros and Richard Branson. Gates's representative told Tech Insider: "The Alliance has a multibillion-dollar investment."

The objective of this project is to produce high-tech energy to address the energy crisis and minimize the negative impacts on climate change.

Picture 1 of 3 technologies trusted by Bill Gates will save the world

In an article entitled "Energy Innovation: Why We Need It And How To Get It " (roughly translated: New energy: why do we need it and how do we get it?) , Gates described About 3 technologies can solve energy problems (within a decade) and it is important that these technologies are capable of changing our world.

Turn solar energy into fossil material

Most of us have noticed that solar batteries are great. However, turning light into electricity is not an easy task unless you have a way to make them a fossil energy form and can be stored for later use.

Bill Gates previously praised the study of the California Institute of Technology, led by Professor Nathan Lewis (research on artificial photosynthesis technology). Like photosynthesis on leaves, artificial photosynthesis can use solar light extraction devices to separate water molecules into hydrogen fuel. This fuel can then be stored and used for any purpose.

Picture 2 of 3 technologies trusted by Bill Gates will save the world

Gates said that solar fossilization will help us solve energy in traffic and many other areas.

Build batteries based on flow energy

The current energy crisis comes from two factors: energy collection and energy storage. Most of the current artificial energy sources do not meet these two criteria (wind and solar energy). Wind and sunlight are not continuous so people have to find solutions to store their energy to use when the wind stops blowing, the sun stops lighting.

This is also the reason that scientists are now studying a technology called "battery based on energy flow".

Picture 3 of 3 technologies trusted by Bill Gates will save the world

This battery is quite large in size and can be applied to industrial production facilities (with battery size equivalent to an aquarium or swimming pool). This battery can last longer for use even when compared to the lithium ion battery being used for cars.

We call this "battery based on flow energy" because an electric charge will run back and forth between tanks to release energy.

This battery can extend life within a few decades and can be recharged up to 1500 times. Currently, Harvard University's School of Engineering and Applied Science is the site of the development of this type of battery.

Solar paint

Picture 4 of 3 technologies trusted by Bill Gates will save the world

"The idea behind solar paint is to make solar energy much cheaper and also easier to install. Almost all of the surface objects around us can turn into a power panel. cheap solar , " Gates said.

All you have to do is cover the material with an advanced technology that is capable of being sensitive to light and turning them into electricity. This technology is being researched and developed by Sheffield University of England, University of California-San Diego and Lucelo Technologies in Texas.

Gates revealed more about this technology: "In theory, anyone can do this, as simple as painting a wall in the house."