5 diseases are prone to frequent falls on the table

Sleeping in a sleeping position with a head on the table in the long term may increase the risk of the following diseases.

>>>Learn how to "take a nap" with scientific tips

Office workers due to limited conditions and time, so many people choose to take a lunch break with their posture or arms folded on the desk and put their heads on their hands to take a nap. You think sleeping in this position for a few minutes is not a problem, but in fact, this type of sleep in the long run will cause incalculable harm to your health.

Sleeping in a sleeping position with a head on the table in the long term may increase the risk of the following diseases:

1. Chronic diseases of the heart, brain, and blood vessels

Lunch break is the fastest circulating blood in the body. Sleeping pillows on the table will increase the risk of curvature of the cervical spine and the chest as it increases pressure on the neck arteries and other organs such as the heart, lungs, stomach . After lunch, muscle You may need more blood back to your stomach to support absorption and digestion, making your blood and oxygen in the brain lacking, breathing difficult, after waking up will appear dizziness, dizziness, tinnitus.

In addition, when napping, the heart rate decreases, the brain is anemic, causing temporary dysfunction of the nervous system, causing numbness or tingling of the hands and feet. Therefore, the pattern of sitting, sitting on the table is one of the potential causes of heart disease, brain and blood vessels.

Picture 1 of 5 diseases are prone to frequent falls on the table
Many people choose to take a lunch break with their posture or arms folded on their desks and rest their heads on their hands to take a nap.(Illustration)

2. Respiratory diseases

Sleeping on the table with his head down, knees on his hands made his body curvature increase, pressure pouring into his lungs. Furthermore, blood and oxygen supply the lungs inadequately, making breathing difficult, affecting respiratory function. As a result, you may experience symptoms such as chest tightness, difficulty breathing .

3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

After lunch, the stomach needs more blood to support digestion. Usually the human body needs at least an hour to digest all the food in the stomach. The sleeping pattern of sitting on the table with hands and knees makes the body more bent, the stomach is under great pressure, increasing the burden on the peristalsis.

Since then, it will adversely affect gastrointestinal function, cause bloating, flatulence, long-term birth of chronic stomach pain.

4. Eye disease

The pattern of falling head on the table easily causes eyeballs to be under pressure and widening, easily injuring the cornea and retina of the eye, increasing eye pressure and deforming the cornea.

Picture 2 of 5 diseases are prone to frequent falls on the table
This type of sleep in the long run will cause incalculable harm to your health.(Illustration)

5. Neurological, muscular and spinal diseases

Sleeping on the table for a long time makes the upper half of the body always under pressure. The muscles in the neck, shoulders and back are strained, causing pain and can deform the cervical spine or sternum. A person who frequently sleeps like this may have a cervical spine that can change in the downward direction like the letter C.

In addition, it also creates an imbalance of the muscles on the shoulders and neck, one side shrinks, one side relaxes. Thereby causing diseases related to the spine, nerves or muscle tension.

How to nap for healthy?

- You can buy a folding chair that functions as a small bed, choose a suitable space at work to sleep.

- Before eating, you should not eat a lot of fat and avoid overeating to reduce the burden on your stomach.

- After eating for 10 minutes, lie down to rest.

- After waking up, move slightly. Slowly sit up, drink a glass of water to supplement the blood capacity.