5 facts remind us of the miraculous abilities of humans

Recently, it seems that the world is always filled with bad stories like war, shooting in schools, climate change . These things have made us forget that people can still create great things.

Here are beautiful stories that remind: things are not as bad as we think, people can still create miracles - especially when we work seriously.

1. Some people can 'sniff' as easily as we distinguish colors

Scientists have discovered two hunter-gatherer populations on the Malay Peninsula in Asia that can place abstract names for scent - similar to the 'yellow' or colored 'green'. They name the smell as easily as the British identify colors.

In general, people have a pretty good sense of smell, but most of us are not interested in recognizing them. Instead of naming the smells that the nose smells, we try to associate the smell with the things they evoke. For example, cheeses smell smoky, or have smells of peppermint.

Picture 1 of 5 facts remind us of the miraculous abilities of humans
People have great abilities.(Photo: iStock).

The hunters-gatherers have the ability to name the scent extremely strongly for scientists.

2. People can learn how to create echoes like bats and dolphins

We often see bats and whales using echoes to find their way. But you may not know that, by practicing, people can also visualize their surroundings by making sounds like clicks.

The most famous 'bat of the real world' is the one who lost his sight at age one. But Kish can climb a mountain, ride a bike, even live alone in the wild just by using the resonance skill to visualize the surroundings in his mind, and he does this in a very extreme way. exact period.

Moreover, science has shown that not only blind people, but ordinary people can also do this. In a 2017 study, scientists taught 11 people the ability to use echoes to determine the size of a room - and they were surprisingly simple.

3. Split, merge and take photos of the smallest units of matter

The tiny blue part of the light at the center of the image is a single positively charged strontium atom (Sr) , suspended by electric field motion. This breathtaking image has been captured by David Nadlinger of Oxford University. And thanks to it, he won the photo contest of the British Council for Physical Science and Engineering Research.

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Strontium atoms.(Photo: David Nadlinger).

To capture this rare moment, David Nadlinger kept the atom fixed by the electric field emanating from two metal needles made of metal. The distance between them is about 2 millimeters.


This is a picture with a glowing dot and it is our planet. Yes, each of us has seen or will see it all in just one image - because that small dot is our Earth 60 million kilometers away.

This image was taken by NASA, and this is part of a technical test on January 17, 2018 for OSIRIS-Rex.

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The image of the Earth is 60 million kilometers away.(Photo: Lockheed Martin).

5. A little girl invents the application to diagnose eye diseases exactly like doctors

One of the unfortunate complications of diabetes is that the blood vessels in the retina can be damaged, leading to diabetic retinopathy (DR). This is the leading cause of blindness worldwide. However, this syndrome is preventable.

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Eyeagnosis screening application of Kavya Kopparapu.

Early screening and diagnosis are very important factors for the treatment of the disease, but more than 50% of cases of patients do not pay attention to them. So, 16-year-old Kavya Kopparapu, whose grandfather was DR, invented a simple, cheap screening tool called Eyeagnosis .

What is her solution? She created an application on a smartphone that can test the disease with the help of a specially trained artificial intelligence program and a simple 3D printed lens attached.

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Kavya Kopparapu.

Initial studies show that the application gives accurate results when diagnosing DR and its reliability is as high as checking with a doctor. With your new invention, many patients will be helped and treated sooner.